Origin of Li-F-rich granite: Evidence from high P-T experiments

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blue_lnan
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Though magmatic origin of Li-F-rich granite has been supported effectively by the existence of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks and melt inclusions trapped in them with similar chemical compositions, evidence from high T-P experiments is poor up to now. To simulate the evolution process of Li-F-rich granite and to interpret its forming mechanism, a series of melting- crystallization experiments were carried out. Under the conditions of 1108 Pa and 570—700℃, a magmatic mineral association of quartz + alkali feldspar + lithium muscovite/ferromuscovite ?fluorite cassiterite is found in leucogranite-HF-H2O system. This indicates the following points: (i) Fluorite, light-colored muscovite and cassiterite can crystallize directly from the Li-F-rich gran-itic melt. (ii) The coexistence of dark-colored micas (e.g. biotite) and light-colored micas (e.g. lithium muscovite and ferromuscovite) suggests that the muscovite granite and two-mica granite can be formed under magmatic condition. The zonal texture of micas is not the sole feature for the micas of hydrothermal origin. (iii) As crystallization proceeds, the SiO2 concentration of the residual melt decreases, while the Al2O3 and F concentrations and A/CNK, NKA/Si ratios of the melt incerese, favoring the formation of Li-F-rich granites. Our experiment results are well con-sistent with the vertical zonation widely observed in rare metal bearing granites, and therefore provide strong experimental evidence for magmatic origin of Li-F-rich granite. Though magmatic origin of Li-F-rich granite has been supported effectively by the existence of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks and melt inclusions trapped in them with similar chemical compositions, evidence from high TP experiments is poor up to now. To simulate the evolution process of Li-F-rich granite and to interpret its forming mechanism, a series of melting-crystallization experiments were carried out. Under the conditions of 1108 Pa and 570-700 ° C, a magmatic mineral association of quartz + alkali feldspar + lithium muscovite / ferromus covite Fluorite, light-colored muscovite and cassiterite can crystallize directly from the Li-F-rich gran-itic melt. (ii) The coexistence of fluorite cassiterite is found in leucogranite-HF-H2O system. of dark-colored micas (eg biotite) and light-colored micas (eg lithium muscovite and ferromuscovite) suggests that the muscovite granite and two-mica granite can be formed under a magmatic condition. The z onal texture of micas is not the sole feature for the micas of hydrothermal origin. (iii) As crystallization proceeds, the SiO2 concentration of the residual melt decreases, while the Al2O3 and F concentrations and A / CNK, NKA / Si ratios of the melt In the past, favoring the formation of Li-F-rich granites.
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