Second Language Ego andHumanistic Language Teaching

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  The term of ego was first developed by Frend to refer to the concept of self. He (1949) categorizes human personality into three levels in his work The Ego and the Id:id,ego and superego. Ego reflects human desire and impulse and also protects man from harmful stimulus of the real world. Wang Tao (2003,p.55-58) stated that id chases happiness,superego pursues perfection,and ego aims at reality. With the development of ego,inhibition is formed gradually to protect the fragile ago. And different defense mechanisms are invoked within this period. In the process of the development of ego,language plays an important role in helping one's understand one's self-identity. Just as in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis that one's language shapes one's view of the world. It is generally believed that the first language ego has a great relationship with the second language learning. Without the protection of the mature first language ego,inhibition is easily increased in learners. Thus in order to develop the second language ego,one has to fight against inhibition,and for a second language teacher,he should try to lower the classroom inhibition and enhance learners' defense mechanism. To counter this situation,the humanistic teaching is advocated for teachers to help their students develop second language ego so as to better the second language teaching and learning.
  2、Literature review
  2.1 Language ego
  Language ego refers to the relation between people's feelings of personal identity,individual uniqueness,and value. Guiora and others suggest that a person's self-identity develops as he or she is learning the first language and that some aspects of language may be closely linked to one's ego,which may hinder some aspects of second or foreign language learning. The degree to which one keeps aspects of one's personal experience separate is called ego boundaries,according to Ehrman(1999),which falls into two types---thick ego boundaries and thin ego boundaries. The thick ego boundary reduces the chance of permeability,while the thin ego boundary is more permeable and the permeable language ego may facilitate the second language learning. In the early stages of development,language ego boundaries are permeable,but later become fixed and rigid.
  Brown (1994,p.62) proposed that the learner's identity is developed in close relation to the language he speaks,which is called language ego. Guiora (1980) put forward that in the course of general ego development the child acquires body ego by which he becomes aware of the limits of his physical being and learns to distinguish himself from the object world around him. In the course of general ego development,the child develops a sense of the boundaries of his language. The sounds,morphology,word and syntax of his language become objectified and develop firm outlines and boundaries.
  2.2 Inhibition
  With the development of ego,learners,when their desire and impulse are not accepted by social norms,they begin to form inhibition so as to protect the ego. Arnold claimed:
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Abstract:More and more linguists and language teachers have realized that input alone cannot lead to successful language learning,output should also be paid much attention. According to Swain’s output
摘 要:处于转型期的社会和现代文明呼唤着全新的人格,具有修身意义的语文课,就更应充分发挥自身的功能和优势,把对人格的培养和塑造,融入整个中学语文教学中。  关键词:中学语文教学;人格;培养;塑造  我们的社会正处于从守旧转向改革、从传统走向文明、从人治走向法治、从计划经济走向市场经济并正走向知识经济的转型期。伟大的时代期待和要求教育必须由重实用转向重品性,由重“现有的东西”转向重“正在变成的东西”
数学是研究空间形式和数量关系的科学,是刻画自然规律和社会规律的科学语言和有效工具,数学对推动人类进步与社会进步形成人类理性思维,促进个人智力发展等多方面具有重要作用。  幼师数学教学,一方面要传授数学知识,使学生具备数学基础知识的素养;另一方面要通过数学知识的传授,通过数学教学,培养学生能力,发展学生智力,这是数学教学中一个非常重要的方面,应引起高度重视,在诸多能力中,我们认为思维能力是核心。因此
摘 要:面对世界科技飞速发展的挑战,我们必须把增强创新能力提到关系中华民族兴衰存亡的高度来认识,如何在现代教育中推行以培养创新能力为中心的素质教育,是我们教育工作者面临的一项历史使命。本文从教学实践出发,从更新教育观念、创设新环境、推行问题式教学模式、发挥学生的主体性、训练思维方式和理论实际相结合六个方面阐述了在教学中如何对学生进行创新能力和创新精神的培养,为在基础教育中如何推行创新教育提供了新的
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