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很少有文献对南方冻雨季节预拌混凝土生产施工中出现的问题予以研究探讨,而南方冬季冻雨季节雨期长,空气水汽大、湿度大、气温低,对预拌混凝土生产和施工带来一系列影响和危害,甚至产生严重的质量事故。对此,我们进行了技术分析,提出了一些宝贵措施,这些措施对于其他的南方预拌混凝土公司而言,在冬季冻雨季节生产和施工,保障混凝土质量方面具有一定的参考价值。 There is little literature to study the problems in the production of ready mixed concrete in the freezing season in the southern part of the world. However, the rainy season with long winter freezing rain season in the southern part of the country, with large air-water vapor, large humidity and low temperature, brings a series of problems in the production and construction of ready- Impact and harm, and even have serious quality accidents. In this regard, we conducted a technical analysis, put forward some valuable measures for these other southern ready-mixed concrete company, in the winter rainy season production and construction, to ensure the quality of concrete has some reference value.
目的探讨三通喉罩通气下纤维支气管镜(纤支镜)对重症肺炎患者的治疗作用及安全性。方法 30例重症肺炎患者(治疗组)在快速诱导麻醉下插入三通喉罩,其标准端口连接呼吸机,另一
On April 2, 2017, the world will celebrate the ninth annual World Autism Awareness Day. In honor of this occasion,Neuroscience Bulletin has put together a Speci
患儿,女,4个月,因“生后发现腰骶背部毛发异常生长4个月”入院,2个月前,因“腹泻半月余伴间断发热十余日”入住小儿内科。查体:T 37.3℃,P 140min~(-1),R 30min~(-1),W 4.9kg
Objective: To observe the value of HbA1c level evaluating the total daily basal insulin dose by continuous subcuta- neous insulin infusion (CSII) in 268 patient