,Effectiveness of a training program based on maker education for baccalaureate nursing students: A

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Objectives: Maker education is a dominant force in education reform and is viewed as a revolutionary way to le.As innovative pedagogy is continuously explored in the field of nursing,the emerging role of maker education must be examined.This research aims to build a nursing bachelor education program based on maker education and to evaluate the effectiveness of this program.Methods: Forty volunteer junior students majoring in nursing from a college were the subjects for this quasi-experiment.The training program for nursing students based on maker education was developed and implemented as an additional class for a period of 12 weeks.Before and after the experiment,two measures including the Williams Creative Scale and Current Status Questionnaire of Nursing Students’ Leing were adopted for investigation,and corresponding statistical methods were used for analysis.The degree of satisfaction with this training program was investigated after the experiment.Results: The average scores of creativity,leing interest,cooperative leing skill,scientific research ability,and information attainment of the nursing students after the implementation of maker education all improved.The differences in the above points before and after the experiment were all statistically significant (P < 0.05).Most of the students expressed satisfaction with this training program (72.5% were very satisfied,15.0% were partially satisfied,and 12.5% were not satisfied).Conclusion: Implementing the training program based on maker education enhanced student creativity,leing interest,cooperative leing skill,scientific research ability,and information attainment.Comprehensive nursing talents were also cultivated.Our data suggested the importance of improving this program,adopting the method,and pursuing research in nursing education.
[摘 要] 高等教育的健康持续发展,需要我们每一所大学理性发展。真正的理性大学,是重视教学、教师、学生的特点的大学。科学处理大学的教学与科研、改革与发展,尊重教育规律又与时俱进,关注社会,具有开放的胸怀。这是大学发展的方向。  [关键词] 理性;大学;特征  [中图分类号]G648 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 1008-2549(2017) 02-0016-02  我国的高等教育经过近十几年
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[摘 要] 通过问卷调查和访谈的方式更深入、全面地掌握当前我国大学教师教学与科研的实际情况。调查结果显示:一方面,多数教师不能有效兼顾教学与科研的和谐发展,并且对现行大学教学与科研评价管理制度的满意度不高;另一方面,不同自变量的教师在教学与科研关系的应对上存在差异,即不同类型大学对教师教学与科研的侧重点不同,不同学科专业教师应对教学与科研的关系有差异,不同职龄的教师在处理教学与科研的关系有所不同。
本研究选用超级稻沈农265为试材,以主栽品种辽粳294为对照,比较肥力对超级稻生长、养分吸收、产量和品质的影响。结果表明: 1.不同氮肥条件下,两个品种均在6月27日达到分蘖高
[摘 要] 受终身教育和终身学习理念的影响,由高校主导的继续教育借助其独特优势,蓬勃发展。提升高校继续教育满意度,是办好人民满意教育的重要方面。本文从利益相关者视角出发,通过文献研究、访谈和原理性探究,回顾了高校继续教育满意度评价的现状和困境,分析了利益相关者研究的重要价值,界定了高校继续教育利益相关者范畴,进一步探索了利益相关者满意度评估指标体系。  [关键词] 数字时代;专业建设;革新  [中
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