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  The similarities and difference of public schools and private schools between America and China and the educational reform of China
  As we can see that each state in America are entitled to make educational policies independently to fit the educational situation there. So things could be in total difference from states to states. Likewise, things in China are moving toward what is occurring in America. The educational bureau of every province can make varied policies on the basis of the general rules made by the center educational bureau. The flexible policies ensure themselves fit the local educational atmosphere properly. And even the collage entrance examination, every province can make their own test papers, which promoted the equity of education at some extent. Because the educational resources are not distributed equally to each province, the more-developed regions have more strength on education than those less-developed regions. Thus, it’s better to test them accordingly.
  It’s interesting to find that private schools are doing far better than public schools in America. “The most elite secondary schools in the United States, for instance, are private” (Sadovnik, Cookson, & Semel, 2006, p.462). In America, those students who can afford the high tuition would probably attend private schools, which guarantee them the good quality of education and better facilities. While in China, things are different. In the well-developed regions, say, Beijing or Shanghai, private schools, international schools, and bilingual schools, is preferable to the upper-class students. But since not all the provinces has private school, the public schools enjoy good reputation, owing to the long history of the schools, great atmosphere inside the schools, resource and excellent teachers, some of them even well-known national wide.
  Just like the public schools in America, which receive money from the taxpayers, the public schools in China also receive funds from the local government. But apart from that, schools can make extra money out of students. The children attend elementary schools and junior high schools in their neighborhoods. The quality of education of these schools varied. Naturally, there are parents wish to send their child to the best ones. By doing this, they have to pay extra. The more students the schools accept from the outside of the community, the more money will pour in. Accordingly, these schools could pay more to attract good teachers, update their computers, and build more buildings… Hence, the quality of these schools are improved, conversely, this will helps them to attract more students. And what happened to those schools which are losing their students source? They don’t have enough money, they can’t afford to equip themselves with advanced facilities, and the good teachers would quit and find some schools willing to pay more. Consequently, less and less students want to attend these schools, it’s a vicious circle for them. and for those good schools, things are not finished, they would receive special awards and funds from the government every year, cause they are already be seem as a flag.   Ten years ago, China carried out an educational reform throughout the country, which called “reduce the burden from the students” it aimed to give leisure time back to students, relief the competition. The classes on weekends were prohibited. And guess what, there did have no classes in the schools, the classes were taught in the house of the teachers! And the students were charged. It’s not hard to imagine the reform didn’t make any big difference in the end. However, China didn’t stop changing, There is reform comes out every year to make the educational environment better, and some of the top universities also join the movement, they make their test papers, and the marks are no longer the only judgment, the capacities in other areas are being taken seriously as well.
  From what I mentioned, we can see how the schools run in China, and how the public and private schools differ from those in America, and we also can see China is making efforts to make the environment of education more desirable, more suitable for students to learn, but there is still a long way to go.
  Reference list:
  [1]Alan R. Sadovnik , Peter W. Cookson,J.R. & Susan F. Semel (2006) .The Philosophy of Education and Its Significance for Teachers: Exploring Education: an introduction to the foundations of education(3rd ed.). (pp.166-171). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
摘 要 随着社会的不断发展,竞争变得越来越激烈,正是因为如此,高校的体育课程被学生看得越来越轻,殊不知,体育项目却是一项非常重要的课程,它不仅能加强学生的抵抗力,还能为成天疲于学习的学生减轻压力,为了使体育课程不被学生所忽视,各大高校对体育教学进行了全面的改革。  关键词 学分制 高校 体育教学 分别教学 改革  现在,越来越多的高校已经开始实行学分质,有了学分制的制度,教学制度也变
1.海报创作理念:  这个创意着重体现特仑苏牛奶的强身健体的功效,一个女孩凭一己之力推动一座大楼,这是用用夸张的手法将喝完特仑苏牛奶后能量倍增的意思表达出来。表明特仑苏不是一般的牛奶可比拟的,同样应证和呼应了宣传语:不是所有牛奶都叫特仑苏!  2.创作理念由来  一、市场分析  普通牛奶市场奶类加工制品发展缓慢,且缺乏多样化奶制品;奶类制品的价格和利润太低。我们国家通过第四次营养调查,发现中国日均
摘 要 公共活动场所中的环境陶艺的设置是陶艺作品实用性与审美性的结合。设计师要十分注重环境陶艺与环境本身的关系,充分的使陶艺作品融于环境,并能表达出本土的自然和人文环境特征。  关键词 环境陶艺 公共活动场所 实用性 审美性  绪 言  随着城市的发展,为方便人类生活、沟通、学习和举行复杂的商业运营活动,而建立了各类公共活动场所。公共活动场所中的环境陶艺是公共艺术与环境陶艺的结合,也就是在公
摘 要 儒家作为中国传统文化的重要基石,对中国人的人格塑造有着极大作用。但是从唐宋以后,儒家文化就被概括为“孔孟之道”。这样,就将孔子和孟子的思想混而为一了,孔孟仅仅成为了一种符号。孔孟之间存在着毫无疑问的差别,通过差别的描述,还原两个立体的真正的思想家。  关键词 孔子 孟子 仁义 君臣  一、孔孟个人之间的差别  (一)孔孟性格的差别  孔子谨慎、压抑、保守,孔子是宋国贵族的后裔,
摘 要 当前初中英语阅读教学低效问题较为普遍,而合作学习是一种富有创意和实效的学习方式,对于提高学生学习积极性,加深学生对于阅读的理解具有重要意叉,本文将合作学习应用于初中英语阅读教学中,探求增强学生学习兴趣,提高教师阅读教学水平的策略及方法。  关键词 初中英语 阅读教学 合作学习  英语阅读作为英语学习的四项技能之一,在英语学习中占有越来越重要的地位。它也是学习者获取和交流知识的一种
摘 要 存在论的情爱境域根源于对传统二元对立模式的反思,要求个体在投身两性交往过程中,本真的朝向事件而非一味的占有个体。这种让他人存在的过程同时也是自身存在的彰显以及自由的实现过程。  关键词 情爱 自由 生存  海德格尔以对存在的揭示批判了传统形而上学二元思维的对立,以此为根基所开显的存在论视域中的情爱观,首要的是探寻交往过程与自由的种种牵涉。个体只有在面向事件本身时所呈现的自由才算是
语文教学改革十几年了,教学的情况怎样,主要看教学效果。检验教学,目前还主要看测评成绩。高中语文教学,则主要看高考成绩。初中语文教学,则主要看中考语文成绩。那么高、中考无疑成为检验语文教学效果的检测仪。于是,人们便在高考这根指挥棒所画的圈子内,探测着、研究着、品评着,一些不尽如人意的考评制度也相应地出现了。  国家教委虽曾三令五申不准片面追求升学率,可具体到教育业务部门的教学评估,却又往往失之偏颇。
摘 要 学校道德教育是一项长期系统工程,任务艰巨而复杂。当前,我国正处于社会转型时期,中小学德育由此产生了一系列问题,本文在阐述当前学校德育存在问题的基础上分析了其产生原因;提出了相应的解决对策,这些对策也是当前学校德育改革的方向。望能对当前中小学德育有所裨益。  关键词 学校德育 问题原因 解决对策  总体来讲,我国正处于一个社会转型时期,社会主义市场经济正在逐步建立和完善;社会主义民
摘 要 义务教育均衡发展是我国当前发展义务教育的重点。长期以来,因历史原因造成了区域内办学条件与办学水平等差距,义务教育的公平性原则始终未能得到彻底落实,引发了一系列社会和教育问题。多年的实践使我们深刻地认识到,彻底解决这一问题的根本出路在于推进义务教育区域内均衡发展。  关键词 义务教育 均衡 教育财政  一、什么是义务教育均衡发展  义务教育的均衡发展是指在一定行政区域内,如一个县、
摘 要 高校辅导员作为大学生生活学习中的朋友、引导者,对大学生的成长过程起着至关重要的作用,因此对高校辅导员的培养也就显得十分重要。本文对高校辅导员的培养进行分析,并提出建议。关键词 高校辅导员培养与时俱进  进入高校之后,许多大学生学习和生活环境发生了巨大变化,导致其生活学习状态非常容易走向极端,高校辅导员作为与大学生接触最多的基层高校管理者,其作用不容小觑。如何培养合格、优秀的高校辅导员