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  故事梗概:Kevin是个年轻有为的律师,有着辉煌的连胜记录。纽约一家很有影响力的律师行看中了他,以高薪豪宅等优厚条件相请,Kevin于是带着妻子离开家乡到纽约发展。但是风光的表面之下,Kevin的生活却开始转变:他的客户都并非清白,而他的妻子Mary Ann无法接受这种肮脏的生活而陷入精神崩溃的状态。Kevin却尚未觉醒,继续向着深渊迈进……
  Kevin Lomax: [talking to the cellphone] Huh-huh. For sleep. And she can take that during the day? No, she won’t be driving. I’m gonna have the 1)pharmacy call you right back. Thanks. [to John Milton] He thinks… He’s not sure. He thinks it could be some kind of 2)hormonal imbalance.
  John Milton: I’m taking you off the case.
  Kevin: What?
  John: I want you to drop this case.
  Kevin: This case? Cullen? John, I’ve got a jury showing up this morning…
  John: Do you love this woman?
  Kevin: Yes. Of course I do.
  John: Then what are you doing, Kevin? She’s sick. Everyone will understand. I’ll understand.
  Kevin: What about Cullen?
  John: We find somebody new. You consult. ①You live to fight another day, son.
  Kevin: What are you talking about consult? I put together a great jury.
  John: It’s a disappointment, I know. We have ’em. All of us have ’em. You use it. You embrace it. And then you move on.
  Kevin: Hang on. We gotta talk about this.
  John: Oh, listen to yourself, Kevin. “We gotta talk about this.” It’s your wife, man! She’s sick; she needs you. ②She’s got to come first. All right, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Do you mean the possibility of leaving this case has never even entered your mind?
  Kevin: You know what scares me? I quit the case; she gets better, and I hate her for it. I don’t want to resent her, John. I’ve got a winner here. ③I’ll nail this f***er down, do it fast and put it behind me. Just get it done. Then, then, put all my energy into her.
  John: ④I stand corrected. ⑤So fill me in; Did Cullen’s assistant admit to having the affair?
  Kevin: She did to me, but she won’t in court.
  John: Convince her otherwise.

  约翰:哦,你听听自己说的,凯文,“我们要谈谈。” 她是你老婆呀,兄弟。她生病了,她需要你。你必须把她摆第一位。好吧,等等,等等,你是说,你从没想过要放弃这案子?
  Smart Sentences
  ① You live to fight another day, son. 以后有新案子再让你发挥,孩子。
  live to: live long enough to do sth.(活到……)
  e.g. I am glad I live to see the 2008 Olympics. 有生之年能看到2008奥运,我很高兴。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ② She’s got to come first. 你必须把她摆第
  come first: sth./sb. is most important(某事/某人是最重要的)
  e.g. My family always comes first in my life. 在我的一生中,家人总是排在第一位的。
  Similar Expression: come before everything else
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ③ I’ll nail this f***er down, do it fast and put it behind me. 我会很快打赢这场混账官司然后把一切抛下。
  nail down: to win or succeed or to make certain (赢得或成功,或确保)
  e.g. John nailed down the match despite his injury. 尽管有伤,约翰还是赢了那场比赛。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ④ I stand corrected. 好吧,我错了。
  stand + adj.: used to describe the present state or condition(用以描述当前状况,处于某种特定的状态,持特定立场)
  e.g. They stand opposed to the ruling. 他们反对这项
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ⑤ So fill me in. 那现在告诉我。
  fill sb. in: let sb. know about details of sth.(让某人了解某事的详细情况)
  e.g. John, fill Susan in on this morning’s meeting. 约翰,把今天上午的会议情况告诉苏珊。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
俗话说“眼睛是心灵的窗口”,可是现在,能保持眼睛健康的人却寥寥可数。各种各样的眼科疾病,虽不致命,却多多少少影响着我们的生活。眼睛保健,俨然成为一个课题。    我只看到一片朦胧。  It’s all blurry to me.    我的视力是1.0。  I’ve got 20/20 vision[注].    试试这些太阳眼镜。  Try on these shades.    去验光师那里(
9月啦,又到各大高校送旧迎新的大日子。看看刚进大学的“新新人类”和已经离校的“老油条”有何差别吧,呵呵,just to make you laugh!    Freshman: Is never in bed past noon.  Senior: Is never out of bed before noon.    Freshman: Calls the professor “Teacher.
假如你可以变身成超人,你最希望得到什么超能力呢?快来选一选,这个测验还可以透露你的隐藏性格并且给你职业指引呢。  1. The ability to fly. (飞行能力)  2. Time-travel ability. (穿越时空能力)  3. Invisibility. (隐身能力)  4. X-ray vision. (X光透视眼)  5. The power to change form
“眼神(eye)交流”在演讲中的重要之处,不用小编细说,大家应该都有所了解。你的目光,或仰视、或俯视、或前视、或环视,还是你的眼神,或敏锐、或温柔、或激动、或平静,都会让你的演讲产生不同的效果。合理用“眼(eye)”对我们的演讲起着举足轻重的作用,下面我们一起来看看项目助理John是如何用“eye”做presentation的吧!    当John微笑着走进会议室时,所有的人都注视着他。  Joh
Quake Lake堰塞湖    Meaning: a lake formed when an earthquake causes landslides that block a large river.  “5·12”汶川大地震给当地造成了严重破坏,人员伤亡惨重。地震后形成的堰塞湖也一度处于高危状态,顿时受到全国上下的强烈关注。堰塞湖其实是由火山熔岩流,或由地震活动等原因引起山崩滑坡体等堵截河谷
秋高气爽的好天气,也要注意可能有的小病痛。秋天可是感冒、哮喘、肠胃病常犯的时节,大家要注意锻炼,保持健康哦。    这是个感冒、流感肆虐的季节。  It’s cold and flu season.    我的鼻涕直流。  My nose is running.    这咳嗽就是好不了。  This cough won’t go away.    到处都是细菌啊。  So many 1)bugs
From September 6-17, the 2008 Summer Paralympic Games, the 13th Paralympics, will be held in Beijing.   1)Approximately 4,000 athletes from 150 different countries will be competing, an increase on th
Opinion 1  Wearing glasses, of course! As far as I know, it is the most effective way to improve my eyesight. I don’t care if it’s fashionable or not, as long as I can see well.    Opinion 2  I’ve per
故事梗概:Erin到Ed Masry的律师行打工之初,还是一个身家财产只有几十镑还带着三个孩子的单身妈妈。一次偶然机会,她发现了一些可疑的医药单据,由此牵扯出一宗重大的污水申诉案件。然而该官司的原告,大企业PG&E显然没把Erin和Ed的小律师行放在眼里。这不,一开始就派了个没有任何权力的年轻人准备和Erin及Ed谈判呢……    Ed Masry: The minute Brenda sent