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  故事梗概:Erin到Ed Masry的律师行打工之初,还是一个身家财产只有几十镑还带着三个孩子的单身妈妈。一次偶然机会,她发现了一些可疑的医药单据,由此牵扯出一宗重大的污水申诉案件。然而该官司的原告,大企业PG&E显然没把Erin和Ed的小律师行放在眼里。这不,一开始就派了个没有任何权力的年轻人准备和Erin及Ed谈判呢……
  Ed Masry: The minute Brenda sent that fax… I’m saying the second she pressed the SEND button, PG&E’s claim department was on the phone to me, scheduling a meeting.
  Erin Brockovich: So you think that we… You know, let me do it. ①You’re driving me nuts. So you think we scared ’em, don’t you?
  Ed: Well, taken the trouble to send someone. ②Sure as hell sounds like they’re sitting up and taking notice. [going out to meet the PG&E representative] Mr. Foil?
  [At the Conference Room]
  Foil: ③In the interest of putting this whole thing to rest, PG&E is willing to offer the Jensens $250,000 for their home.
  Ed: 250,000?
  Foil: ④In terms of land value out in Hinkley, Mr. Masry, we feel that’s a more-than-fair price.
  Ed: How about in terms of medical expenses? 250,000 isn’t gonna come close to what this family is gonna have to spend on doctors.
  Foil: ⑤I understand they’ve had a bad run of luck, health-wise, and they have my sympathies. But that’s not PG&E’s fault.
  Ed: You’re kidding, right? Look at these readings. PG&E’s own technicians documented 1)toxic levels of 2)hexavalent chromium in those wells on numerous occasions. Everything the Jensens have had is proven reaction to exposure to hexavalent chromium, and they have had... They have had…
  Erin: Breast 3)cysts, 4)uterine cancer, 5)Hodgkin’s disease,
  6)immune deficiencies, asthma, 7)chronic nosebleeds…
  Foil: A million things could have caused those problems. Poor diet, bad 8)genes, irresponsible lifestyle. Our offer is final. ⑥And it’s more
  than fair.
  Ed: Wait a minute. I thought we were negotiating here.
  Foil: $250,000 is all I’m authorized to offer.
  Ed: I’ll present your offer to my clients. I’ll doubt they’ll accept.
  Foil: Mr. Masry, ⑦before you go off on some crusade, you might wanna remember who it is you’re dealing with here. PG&E’s a $28 billion corporation.
  Ed: $28 billion? I didn’t know it was that much. Wow! 28 billion! Holy cow!

  Smart Sentences
  ① You’re driving me nuts. 我快被你弄疯了。
  drive sb. nuts: make sb. go crazy(让某人发疯)
  e.g. The noise from the party next door drove me nuts last night. 昨晚,邻居家派对造成的噪音让我发疯。
  Similar Expression: drive sb. crazy
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ② Sure as hell sounds like they’re sitting up and taking notice. 看来他们突然对此事重视了起来。
  sit up and take notice: suddenly pay attention to sth.(突然关注某事)
  e.g. A bad performance like that will certainly make you sit up and take notice. 这样差劲的表现肯定会引起人的关注。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, formal & informal
  ③ In the interest of putting this whole thing to rest 为了要平息这整件事
  in the interest of sth.: with the intention to achieve sth./or for sb.’s benefit(以某事为目的,或为了某人的利益)
  e.g. We’ll shorten the trip in the interest of cutting costs. 我们将缩短行程,以节省成本。
  Suitable Occasion: oral & written, formal
  ④ In terms of land value out in Hinkley 照辛克利的地价来看
  in terms of sth.: used to specify which aspect of sth. you want to discuss or consider(从……方面看)
  e.g. John is the best in our department in terms of efficiency. 在效率方面,约翰是我们部门最棒的。
  Suitable Occasion: oral & written, informal & formal
  ⑤ I understand they’ve had a bad run of luck, health-wise, and they have my sympathies. 我知道他们的健康不佳,我也很同情他们。
  a run of sth.: a series of sth., especially success or failure or luck(一系列事情,特别指成功、失败或
  e.g. A run of failure only drives him to work harder. 一连串的失败只会让他更努力地工作。
  Suitable Occasion: oral & written, informal & formal
  ⑥ And it’s more than fair. 这个价钱已经非常公道。
  more than fair: sth. has greater fairness than generally expected(某事的公平性比一般认为的要高),usually to emphasize the degree of fairness(用以强调某事的公平程度)
  e.g. I believe the price is more than fair for the quality you got. 我觉得以这样的质量,价格再公道不过了。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ⑦ before you go off on some crusade
  go off on sth.: start doing sth.(着手去做某事)
  e.g. As soon as I finish this project, I will go off on my vacation. 我一完成这个项目,就去度假。
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
俗话说“眼睛是心灵的窗口”,可是现在,能保持眼睛健康的人却寥寥可数。各种各样的眼科疾病,虽不致命,却多多少少影响着我们的生活。眼睛保健,俨然成为一个课题。    我只看到一片朦胧。  It’s all blurry to me.    我的视力是1.0。  I’ve got 20/20 vision[注].    试试这些太阳眼镜。  Try on these shades.    去验光师那里(
9月啦,又到各大高校送旧迎新的大日子。看看刚进大学的“新新人类”和已经离校的“老油条”有何差别吧,呵呵,just to make you laugh!    Freshman: Is never in bed past noon.  Senior: Is never out of bed before noon.    Freshman: Calls the professor “Teacher.
假如你可以变身成超人,你最希望得到什么超能力呢?快来选一选,这个测验还可以透露你的隐藏性格并且给你职业指引呢。  1. The ability to fly. (飞行能力)  2. Time-travel ability. (穿越时空能力)  3. Invisibility. (隐身能力)  4. X-ray vision. (X光透视眼)  5. The power to change form
“眼神(eye)交流”在演讲中的重要之处,不用小编细说,大家应该都有所了解。你的目光,或仰视、或俯视、或前视、或环视,还是你的眼神,或敏锐、或温柔、或激动、或平静,都会让你的演讲产生不同的效果。合理用“眼(eye)”对我们的演讲起着举足轻重的作用,下面我们一起来看看项目助理John是如何用“eye”做presentation的吧!    当John微笑着走进会议室时,所有的人都注视着他。  Joh
Quake Lake堰塞湖    Meaning: a lake formed when an earthquake causes landslides that block a large river.  “5·12”汶川大地震给当地造成了严重破坏,人员伤亡惨重。地震后形成的堰塞湖也一度处于高危状态,顿时受到全国上下的强烈关注。堰塞湖其实是由火山熔岩流,或由地震活动等原因引起山崩滑坡体等堵截河谷
秋高气爽的好天气,也要注意可能有的小病痛。秋天可是感冒、哮喘、肠胃病常犯的时节,大家要注意锻炼,保持健康哦。    这是个感冒、流感肆虐的季节。  It’s cold and flu season.    我的鼻涕直流。  My nose is running.    这咳嗽就是好不了。  This cough won’t go away.    到处都是细菌啊。  So many 1)bugs
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Opinion 1  Wearing glasses, of course! As far as I know, it is the most effective way to improve my eyesight. I don’t care if it’s fashionable or not, as long as I can see well.    Opinion 2  I’ve per