,Intra-layer synchronization in duplex networks

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cubel
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This paper explores the intra-layer synchronization in duplex networks with different topologies within layers and different inner coupling pattes between, within, and across layers. Based on the Lyapunov stability method, we prove theoretically that the duplex network can achieve intra-layer synchronization under some appropriate conditions, and give the thresholds of coupling strength within layers for different types of inner coupling matrices across layers. Interestingly, for a certain class of coupling matrices across layers, it needs larger coupling strength within layers to ensure the intra-layer synchronization when the coupling strength across layers become larger, intuitively opposing the fact that the intra-layer synchronization is seemly independent of the coupling strength across layers. Finally, numerical simulations further verify the theoretical results.
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