
来源 :交通与运输(学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wws123400
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慢行交通系统主要包括步行系统和自行车系统。慢行交通是人类最原始、最基本的交通方式,在短距离出行中,慢行也是最健康、最便捷的交通方式。发达的慢行交通系统是城市交通发展不可或缺的组成部分。通过归纳总结中小城市慢行交通系统普遍存在的问题,从慢行通道等级、道路断面要求和过街设施3个方面提出慢行通道的规划要求,指导慢行交通系统的规划工作。以克拉玛依市为例,规划其中心城区慢行交通系统,以满足市民日常生活的便捷需求,提高慢行交通出行比例的要求。 The slow traffic system mainly includes the pedestrian system and the bicycle system. Slow traffic is the most primitive mankind, the most basic mode of transport, travel in the short distance, slow is the most healthy and most convenient mode of transport. The developed slow transit system is an integral part of urban transport development. By summarizing the ubiquitous problems of slow traffic system in small and medium-sized cities, this paper proposes the planning requirements of slow-moving traffic lane from three aspects of slow traffic lane grade, road section requirements and crossing facilities, and guides the planning work of slow traffic system. Taking Karamay as an example, it plans the slow traffic system in its central area to meet the daily needs of citizens and increase the proportion of slow-moving traffic.
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