香港盛会 四海论学

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1993年8月23~28日,第34届亚洲及北非洲研究国际学术会议在香港大学隆重举行。1873年,首届东方学国际会议在巴黎召开。最初,它是一个典型的欧洲学术组织。第二次世界大战以后,伊斯坦堡、新德里、堪培拉等地相继成为主办城市,东方学的研究观点不再附庸于欧洲中心主义。1986年汉堡大会时,正式更名为亚洲及北非洲研究国际学术会议(简称亚非学术会议)。历经120年沧桑,亚非学术会议的研究课题,已由纯粹的古典研究转向包罗古今,当代学术、专题研究以及多学科交叉研究越来越多。 August 23 ~ August 1993, the 34th International Symposium on Asian and North African Studies was held at Hong Kong University. In 1873, the first Oriental International Conference was held in Paris. At first, it was a typical European academic organization. After World War II, Istanbul, New Delhi, Canberra and other places have become host cities one after another, and the Oriental Studies viewpoint is no longer attached to Eurocentrism. 1986 Hamburg Conference, officially changed its name to Asia and North Africa International Academic Conference (Asian and African academic conference). After 120 years of vicissitudes, the research topics of the Asian-African academic conference have shifted from purely classical studies to ancient and modern ones, contemporary academic studies, special studies and interdisciplinary studies.
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目的 评价腹腔化疗联合全身化疗治疗晚期胃癌的疗效.方法63例患者随机分为2组,腹腔化疗联合全身化疗组(A组)和单纯的全身化疗组(B组),A组治疗方法:顺铂(DDP)100mg腹腔内注射第1天,依托泊苷(VP16)100mg,静脉滴注第1~3天,CF 100 mg静脉滴注第1~5天,5-Fu 500 mg,持续静脉滴注12 h以上,第1~5天;B组:VP16,CF,5-Fu用法同A组,DDP 40
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