来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gabby11
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The study on humanity response to global environment change is a new direction in the research of global change science, of which an important aspect is to study the adaptation strategies of human being to environmental changes in different regions. One reasonable and scientific adaptation strategy is based on not only scientific assessment of the impact of environmental change on society, but also correct estimation of the public perception of environmental change, whereas the research on the latter is terribly weak. This paper intends to understand the personality difference in public perception of environment in the western China primarily by establishing the assessment index system of nation environmental perception and analyzing the results of questionnaire survey in some regions of Shaanxi Province. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The state of public perception of disaster is one of the foundations of constituting and enforcing reasonable adaptation strategy to environmental change. 2) The personality differences of public perception of disaster appear as follows: female disaster perception is stronger than male;the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of age characteristics is 20-30, 0-20, 40-50, 30-40, 50-60, 60 year old or over in turns; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of educational characteristics is senior high school, college, illiterate, junior high school, primary school, in turns; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of occupation characteristics is student, farmer, teacher, worker and functionary, in turns; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of habitat characteristics is city, countryside, towns, and metropolis in turns. The study on humanity response to global environment change is a new direction in the research of global change science, of which an important aspect is to study the adaptation strategies of human being to environmental changes in different regions. One reasonable and scientific adaptation strategy based on not only scientific assessment of the impact of environmental change on society, but also correct estimation of the public perception of environmental change, while the research on the latter is terribly weak. This paper intends to understand the personality difference in public perception of environment in the western China was established by the assessment index system of nation environmental perception and analyzing the results of questionnaire survey in some regions of Shaanxi Province. The conclusions are as follows: 1) The state of public perception of disaster is one of the foundations of constitution and enforcing reasonable fit adaptation strategy to environmental c hange. 2) The personality differences of public perception of disaster appear as follows: female disaster perception is stronger than male; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of age characteristics is 20-30, 0-20, 40- 50, 30-40, 50-60, 60 year old or over in turns; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of educational characteristics is senior high school, college, illiterate, junior high school, primary school, in the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of occupation characteristics is student, farmer, teacher, worker and functionary, in turns; the order of disaster perception from strong to weak from the point of habitat characteristics is city, countryside , towns, and metropolis in turns.
Background:Understanding limitations on text reading with eccentric fixation is of major concern in low vision research.Our objective was to determine,in patien
据日本《日经工卜夕1、口二夕又》1993年第573期报道,日本NEC公司研制成栅宽1mm,最大漏电流400 mA,栅耐压26 V的AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs异质结FET,并计划在1994年使其产品化,应用
风靡海峡两岸的著名台湾艺人明道,出道10年来首部个人写真集《明道Start·罗马诱惑》,于10月全国统一上市发行。明道本人也于10月中旬专程在北京、上海、南京、成都等多座城市举办读者见面暨签售会并进行高校演讲,与学子畅谈旅行及心灵感悟。  明道凭借主持旅行节目《冒险王》红遍海峡两岸,并于2004年获得第39届金钟奖“文教资讯节目主持人奖”的殊荣,随后其飾演的影视剧作也多次获奖,饱受广大青年朋友的喜
英语是一门语言,学习的最终目的是为了说好英语。由于英语在全世界的广泛分布,每个国家、地区都存在着许多口音差异。我们常说美式英语和英式英语。无论那一种英语都应当发标准音。不标准的音好比我们汉语中的方言,不仅听着难受而且难懂。标准的发音不是孤立存在的,包括听、说、读、写。那么怎样才能教授给学生发标准音呢,标准音又对中学英语有什么作用呢?  一、标准的发音对听力有着非常重要的帮助  发音正确并不代表听力