Parallelization of pseudo-particle modeling and its application in simulating gas-solid fluidization

来源 :Particuology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gzhp
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Pseudo-Particle Modeling(PPM)is a particle method proposed by Ge and Li in 1996[Ge,W.,&Li,J. (1996).Pseudo-particle approach to hydrodynamics of particle–fluid systems.In M.Kwauk&J.Li(Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th international conference on circulating fluidized bed(pp.260–265).Beijing:Science Press]and has been used to explore the microscopic mechanism in complex particle–fluid systems.But as a particle method,high computational cost remains a main obstacle for its large-scale application; therefore,parallel implementation of this method is highly desirable.Parallelization of two-dimensional PPM was carried out by spatial decomposition in this paper.The time costs of the major functions in the program were analyzed and the program was then optimized for higher efficiency by dynamic load balancing and resetting of particle arrays.Finally,simulation on a gas–solid fluidized bed with 102,400 solid particles and 1.8×107 pseudo-particles was performed successfully with this code,indicating its scalability in future applications. Pseudo-Particle Modeling (PPM) is a particle method proposed by Ge and Li in 1996 [Ge, W., & Li, J. (1996). Pseudo- particle approach to hydrodynamics of particle-fluid systems. In M. Kwauk & J. Li (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th international conference on circulating fluidized bed (pp. 260-265). Beijing: Science Press] and has been used to explore the microscopic mechanism in complex particle-fluid systems. Be as a particle method, high computational cost remains a major obstacle for its large-scale application; therefore, parallel implementation of this method is highly desirable. Parallelization of two-dimensional PPM was carried out by spatial decomposition in this paper. time costs of the major functions in the program were then optimized for higher efficiency by dynamic load balancing and resetting of particle arrays. Finally, simulation on a gas-solid fluidized bed with 102,400 solid particles and 1.8 × 107 pseudo-particles was performed successfully with this code, indicating its scalability in future applications.
同位素 ̄(131)Ⅰ诊断实验性外淋巴瘘(摘要)彭安全,卢永德,曹亦洪,陈忠,任基浩一、材料与方法:健康豚鼠10只,右耳为实验耳.左耳为对照耳。豚鼠麻醉后暴露双耳圆窗膜,测试右耳ECoChG(AP反应阈、潜伏期、振幅