
来源 :江苏政协 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jwyzfh
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改革开放20年,我国非公有制经济得到了迅速发展。党的十五大又为非公有制经济发展带来了第二个春天。从吴县市的情况看,农副工各行各业出现了各种类型的专业户、种粮大户、养殖户、吊装运输户等,个体私营经济星罗棋布、雨后春笋般地发展起来,个体私营经济已逐步成为经济发展的新的增长点。但要进一步发展个体私营经济,以下三个问题亟待解决:一、政策上要给予扶持。如果说党的富国强民政策,使乡镇工业成为苏南经济三分天下有其二,则今天正确引导个体私营经济健康发展同样需要政策扶持。 In the 20 years of reform and opening up, China’s non-public ownership economy has enjoyed rapid growth. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party brought the second spring to the development of non-public ownership economy. From the situation of Wuxian, various types of specialized households, large grain growers, farmer households, lifting transport households, etc. have emerged in all walks of life in the agricultural and sideline workers industry. The individual and private economy is dotted with sprits up and mushroomed. The individual and private economy has gradually become New point of economic growth. However, in order to further develop the individual and private economy, the following three issues need to be solved urgently: First, policy should be given support. If we say that the party’s policy of making the country rich and the powerful and strengthening the country makes the township and town industries one of the two places in the world economy in the southern Jiangsu Province, the correct guidance for the healthy development of the individual and private economy today also requires policy support.
目的总结Kartagener综合征(Kartageners syndrome,KS)的CT影像学特征。方法回顾性分析6例KS患者胸部、腹部及副鼻窦CT影像学资料。结果胸部CT均表现为全内脏转位和不同程度
丰收的礼炮 4月间,是南方插秧战鼓擂鸣,人勤畜动,蜜蜂繁忙的日子。就在这个时候,我们来到了湖南省津市市养蜂场、澧县澧阳人民公社万群养蜂场,和江西省向塘种蜂场。地处长江
Objective. To investigate weekly topotecan in heavily pretreated patients with recurrent ovarian cancer. Methods. The records of patients with recurrent epithel
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