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外婆常说,故乡住在她心里。故乡的好,也永远记在她心里。在20岁那年,她遇见了从宁波去黄龙岛打石头盖房子的外公,两人情意相投。外婆没有听从家人的意见,执意跟随他离开,去往那个和黄龙岛完全不一样的世界。他们结婚了,但又离了婚。回到嵊泗后,她也没有回黄龙岛,最终定居在离黄龙岛4.5公里外的泗礁岛。虽然只有4.5公里的距离,但在那个年代回一趟黄龙岛很不容易。外婆常常站在泗礁岛的岸边朝东望,去搜寻故乡的轮廓。5岁的时候,我曾跟随外婆回黄龙岛看阿太(方言,指外婆的妈妈)。听外 Grandma often said that hometown lives in her heart. Hometown is good, but also always remember in her heart. At the age of 20, she met the grandfather who hired a stone-built house from Huanglong Island in Ningbo. Both of them had the same affection. Grandma did not listen to the views of his family, determined to follow him to leave, go to that and Huanglong Island completely different world. They are married, but divorced. After returning to Shengsi, she did not return to Huanglong Island, and finally settled in Sihuang Island, 4.5 kilometers away from Huanglong Island. Although only 4.5 km away, but in that era back Huanglong Island is not easy. Grandma often stand on the shores of Si Kee Island looking east, to search the outline of his hometown. At the age of 5, I went back to Huanglong Island with my grandmother to see the Atayal (dialect, referring to the grandmother’s mother). Listen outside
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我渴望在语文人生中翱翔。正因为有语文,我的生命之花才会开放得如此绚丽;正因为有课改,我的语文人生才会如此美丽;正因为有更高的追求,我的生命才更加期待飞翔。 I long to
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