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我省的林木种子小蜂,虽种类不多,但分布广泛,为害严重。为便于基层识别,并开展防治,现根据省内有关单位对这类害虫的研究和笔者调查资料,加以汇集整理,并对过去种名上的错误和形态描述上的过于简单化,作了校正和补充,以供参考。一、剌槐种子小蜂(Bruchophagus philorobiniae Liao)过去误定为(B.caragana NiK)。属小蜂总科、广肩小蜂科。遍布我省各地,主要为害剌槐种子(Robina pseudoacacia L.),在陕北还为害柠条(小叶锦鸡儿 Caraganamicrophylla Lam.和考氏锦鸡儿 C.korshinshii Kom.)种子。 The small tree bee seeds in our province, although not many, are widely distributed and devastating. In order to facilitate the grass-roots identification and prevention and control, according to the relevant units in the province of such pests and the author’s investigation of information to be pooled and sorted, and on the past name of the mistakes and morphological description of the over-simplification, made a correction And for reference. First, the black locust seeds (Bruchophagus philorobiniae Liao) in the past mistaken for B.caragana NiK. Is a small bee Chief, broad shoulders small bee families. All over the province, the main damage to acacia seeds (Robina pseudoacacia L.), in northern Shaanxi also damaged Caragana microphylla (Caraganamicrophylla Lam and Caragana C.korshinshii Kom.) Seeds.
从前有一个朋友说,世界上的好书,他已经读尽,似乎再没有什么好书可看了。当时许多别的朋友不以为然,而较长一些的朋友就更以为狂妄。现在想想,却也有些道理。  世界上的好书本来不多,除非爱书成癖的人(那就像抽鸦片抽上瘾一样的),真正心悦诚服地手不释卷,实在有些稀奇。还有一件最令人气短的事,就是许多最伟大的作家往往没有什么凭借,但却做了后来二三流的人的精神上的财源了。柏拉图、孔子、屈原,他们一点一滴,都是
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20 0 2年 9月 19~ 2 0日 ,召开了海南省卫生厅医院感染监控中心成立十周年庆祝大会 ,省卫生厅副厅长林方略在会上作了重要讲话 ,卫生厅医政处处长周地雄对监控中心十年的工作
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