
来源 :内蒙古图书馆工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lbsylh
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作为一种知识产业的公共图书馆在全民教育机制中是不可或缺的部分。它是传播信息和知识的载体,是全民学习的主要场所。公共图书馆事业有着悠久的历史。在漫长的历史进程中,它的发展都随着社会的发展而变化。近两年来,随着社会经济政治的发展,公共图书馆事业迅速发展。与此同时,也反映出越来越多的问题,本文就公共图书馆发展中存在的问题展开论述,提出解决问题的几点建议,以期为公共图书馆事业的可持续发展提供借鉴。 Public libraries, as a kind of knowledge industry, are an integral part of the EFA mechanism. It is the carrier of information and knowledge dissemination and the main venue for universal learning. The public library has a long history. In the long course of history, its development has changed with the development of society. In the recent two years, with the development of social economy and politics, the public library has developed rapidly. At the same time, it also reflects more and more problems. This article discusses the problems in the development of public libraries and puts forward some suggestions to solve the problems in order to provide reference for the sustainable development of public libraries.
Anno 1371 16 novembris per dominum loannem.In Christi nomine amen.Cum Dominicus dictus Capellus,filius quondam Daleni de Barzii de Daligno.syndicus et procurat
提高图书馆员综合素质是图书馆的当务之急。本文论述了公共图书馆队伍建设的重要性、现状以及改进方法,并对加强图书馆员建设、提高图书馆整体素质提供了一些合理化建议。 T
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文章阐述了旗县图书馆事业落后的原因,提出了改进的措施和方向。 The article expounds the reason why the county library lags behind and puts forward the measures an
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环加成反应是有机化学中的一类重要反应.本文试用次级轨道效应,定性地讨论环加成反应中的立体选择性,并用含有次级轨道作用项的微扰方程半定量地解释其区域选择性. Cycloadd