李克强主持召开国务院常务会议 部署进一步促进扩大就业 更好满足人民群众劳动有岗位收入有来源的需求 确定深入推进跨境电子商务综合试验区建设的措施 加快业态创新提高外贸便利度和竞争力

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【中央人民政府网9月20日讯】国务院总理李克强9月20日主持召开国务院常务会议,部署进一步促进扩大就业,更好满足人民群众劳动有岗位收入有来源的需求;确定深入推进跨境电子商务综合试验区建设的措施,加快业态创新提高外贸便利度和竞争力。会议指出,党中央、国务院始终把促进就业摆在突出位置,近几年面对经济下行压力和巨大就业压力“碰头”的挑战,通过深入实施就业优先战略和更加积极的就业政策、持续深化改革、推动新旧动能转换,城镇新 [Central People’s Government Network September 20 hearing] Premier Li Keqiang presided over the State Council executive meeting on September 20, deployment to further promote employment, to better meet the needs of the masses of people working have a source of income; determine the depth of cross-border electronic Measures for the Construction of a Comprehensive Commercial Experimental Zone to Accelerate Business Innovation and Improve Foreign Trade Convenience and Competitiveness. The meeting pointed out: The Central Party Committee and the State Council have always put employment promotion in a prominent position. In the past few years, they have faced the challenges of economic downward pressure and huge employment pressure, and have continued to implement the employment priority strategy and the more active employment policy Deepen reform, promote the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, new towns
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