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  You don’t have to look very hard to see that our culture has some pretty powerful associations between colors and feelings. As an example, the Pixar film Inside Out has characters representing emotions,1 and the color choices for these characters—red for anger, and blue for sadness—feel right.
  Red, specifically, is one of the most powerful colors in terms of its associations and the feelings it generates. Soccer players perceive red-shirted opponents to be better players,2 and one study indeed found that players wearing red shirts won sports games more often. Looking at red also seems to help people focus. Red enhances performance on detail-oriented tasks,3 whereas blue and green improve the results of creative tasks. Red is also sexual—men find women wearing red to be more attractive, and women think the same of men.
  Why might this be? Although these associations are a part of our culture, are they arbitrary, or did they come about for reasons outside of culture,4 perhaps having to do with our biology or the environment we all live in?
  Color is not distributed randomly5 in the world around us, and as we experience the world, we build up associations between colors and the things they represent. Yet red is a relatively rare color in the natural environment. Certain fruits, small parts of the sky at times, and blood are all red. When we get angry or embarrassed, our faces get redder (though the effect is less obvious in dark-skinned people).
  But these appearances of red in our environment don’t seem to be enough to explain the breadth of red’s various connotations.6 And there is reason to think the meanings might be inherent to our biology: Red connotes high arousal,7 passion, and violence even for some non-human animals. When male mandrills face off, for instance, the paler (less red) male stands down.8 And macaques9 use red in sexual displays. Yet while poison dart frogs are brightly colored, they don’t skew toward red—many are green, yellow, and blue.10 This suggests that the general association with red is specific to primates, evolving before mandrills and humans differentiated.11 If it had been learned, as a result of being associated with passion and danger in the environment, we would expect broader crossspecies associations; for instance, we might see that all poison animals were red.12 If red is indeed a warning color used to communicate among primates, specifically, then the associations with red might be innate13 yet arbitrary, meaning that it might just as easily have been another color that took on that role.
要不要把爱好当成工作?  或许你也曾纠结过这个问题,却又让它最终沉寂。  或许,你需要一个真人实例,  来参照自己未曾选择的那条路,可能是什么样子……  3年前,毕业不久的秦超平,同样被这个问题困住了。而且,这一困就是半年。  这半年里,他带着自己几乎所有的积蓄,飘去了拉萨。2015年底从拉萨回到郑州时,他带回了许多美到窒息的风光照片,也带回了自己的回答。  他最终决定,还是坚持把自己喜欢的事儿当
摘 要:问题设计对学生的学习至关重要。本文聚焦小学英语故事教学,从课堂提问存在的问题、问题链的含义和特点、基于问题链设计的故事教学策略及其应用三个方面展开阐述,尝试构建基于问题链设计的故事教学新路径,从而达成发展学生思维品质的目标。  关键词:小学英语;故事教学;问题链;思维品质;核心素养  小学英语故事教学的目标是习得阅读方法、训练阅读技巧、提高阅读能力、感受英语文化、提升阅读品质。具体来说,教
《拉帕其尼的女儿》是小说集《小伙子古德曼》(Young Goodman Brown)中的一个短篇。作者霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)的特点是善于把古典寓言故事的寓意融合在他的作品里。本篇节选讲述的是与比阿特丽丝(Beatrice)接触了数次后,乔万尼(Giovanni)发现自己变得跟比阿特丽丝一样致命了。之前乔万尼被她的美貌深深吸引,但后来他发现剧毒也是她吸引他的原因。在乔万尼确认
比较:船到桥头自然直。/既来之,则安之。不要事情还没发生就过早地忧心忡忡;等问题来了,再去处理它。这句谚语可追溯到美国诗人亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1807—1882)1850年的作品。在英国首见于S. D. 阿迪(S. D. Addy)的《居家故事》(Household Tales, 1895)。它有多种不同形式,如:Don’t cross
日前,位于英国伦敦沃金的迈凯轮技术中心对外宣布,第1000辆梅赛德斯·奔驰SLR迈凯轮跑车正式下线。作为梅赛德斯·奔驰最为经典的超豪华跑车,该车充分展现了梅赛德斯·奔驰及其F1合作伙伴迈凯轮在研制高性能跑车方面的能力和经验,而第1000辆SLR迈凯轮跑车的下线更证明了双方在超豪华跑车领域所取得的骄人成就。  梅赛德斯—奔驰SLR迈凯轮跑车被喻为“公路上的F1”。自2004年实现量产以来,每年的产量
Many children and adults around the world know the story of Cinderella: the tale of the unfortunate young girl who is forced to live with her ugly stepsisters and evil step mother. She lives and works
Now that, like a newly trained diver, he had overcome his fear of plunging into the air, Gay-Neck ventured on longer and higher flights. In a week’s time he was able to fly steadily for half an hour,
Old friend now there is no one alive  who remembers when you were young  it was high summer1 when I first saw you  in the blaze of day most of my life ago  with the dry grass whispering in your shade 
摘 要:《七角楼》中的物不仅仅是主体情感的承载或附属。这些物以多种形式进入故事线:小说以七角楼及其内部陈设对平琼家族后人发出质询作为故事的起因,而花园和火车则分别代表了平琼家族后人逃离物质禁锢的两次徒劳的尝试。从物质文化的角度来看,小说在故事情节和话语层面都凸显了物的存在,展现了物对人物内心情感和认知可能产生的多重影响,并借物推动故事进程。  关键词:物叙事;人与物关系;物恋;《七角楼》  * 本
漫长的行走  踏入长距离徒步的世界  你有没有试过连续一个月以上的超长距离徒步?或许还没有。  世界上有这样一群人,背上背包走进陌生的风景、呼吸陌生的空气,抬头看见和自己有着相同装备、相同疲惫却有着不同心情的徒步者。一走就是几个月。  在人群中,你会发现他们身上独特的气质。说不清是什么,但存在。  愿你一生之中经历一次漫长的行走,为自己留出足够的空白,看看会发生什么。当你站在路线的终点、回想自己两