选择大学 选择责任

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站在新的起点自从中国有了考试,千百年来,从考场走出来的胜利者都有着同样的心情:“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”;自从中国有了学校,千百年来,老师都喜欢招收品学兼优的学生:“择天下英才而教之,不亦乐乎?”有人说中国现今的高等教育是“精英教育”。毕竟,全国只有10%左右的同龄人有幸取得接受高等教育的资格。但是,“精英教育”的真正含义应该是把受教育者培养成社会的精英,切不可以为“考上大学就是精英”。要知道,高考的考场上比试测验的仅仅是一部分课堂知识,充其量还附加了一点学习能力的检查,而对青年的全面评价,应当是知识、能力和素质的综合。说一个青年算不算精英,要看他毕业后承担的社会责任和对社会的实际贡献。我们的大学,培养了成千上万的科学家、教授、政 Standing at a new starting point Since China has had an exam, for thousands of years, the winners who have come out of the examination room all share the same feelings: “The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease. Look at Chang’an Flower in a day”; Since China had a school, For thousands of years, the teachers liked to recruit students with excellent academics and talents: “What should be taught when we choose talented people?” Some say that China’s current higher education is “elite education”. After all, only about 10% of their peers across the country are fortunate enough to qualify for higher education. However, the true meaning of “elite education” should be to educate educated people into the elite of society, must not be “college to college is the elite”. It should be noted that the test of the college entrance examination is only part of the classroom knowledge, and at the very least, it also adds a bit of learning ability. The overall assessment of youth should be a combination of knowledge, ability and quality. To say that a young person counts as an elite depends on the social responsibilities he has undertaken after graduation and his actual contribution to society. Our university has trained tens of thousands of scientists, professors, and government officials.
在广东,重点中小学被称为公办名校。近几年,公办名校转制为国有民办,或实行股份制,在广东省正逐渐升温。此事对社会大众关系密切,引起人们的纷纷议论 In Guangdong, key pri