
来源 :竹子研究汇刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arthurpzl
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雷竹鞭侧芽从潜伏芽、饱满芽发育为萌发芽、强萌发芽,核酸含量有规律地显著上升,潜伏芽与饱满芽过氧化物酶的活性和变化有相同的规律,总体活性较强,笋期后活性急剧上升,而和萌发芽、强萌发芽有显著差异;不同类型侧芽,过氧化物酶和淀粉酶同工酶明显不同,存在遗传信息顺序表达的规律,这种表达是内外环境相互作用的结果;从核酸含量、过氧化物酶的活性及其同工酶和淀粉同工酶变化看,从潜伏芽、饱满芽到(强)萌发芽,从萌发芽萌发到笋是两个较为独立的变化过程。 The rhizome of Thunberg rhizome did the same from the latent buds and full buds to the sprouting buds and strong germinating buds, and the content of nucleic acids increased regularly. The activities and changes of latent buds and full bud buds peroxidase had the same regularity, After the shoots, the activity increased sharply, but it differed significantly from the germination buds and the strong germination buds. The different types of lateral buds, the peroxidase and the amylase isozymes were obviously different, and the order of the genetic information existed. From the budding buds, plump buds to (strong) germinating buds, the germination buds to shoots were two from the perspective of nucleic acid content, peroxidase activity and isozymes and starch isozymes A more independent process of change.
This paper discusses the book’s progresses and deficiencies on frames,contents and analytic methods;reviews knowledge production and academic appraisement acco
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