Beauty in Each Flower, Wisdom in Each Student

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  【Abstract】A delicate fragrance hides deep in the mountains and swings between the tall trees. Sunshine flows through the shade of the trees, and slides on the ground in the yard beside the little wooden house. Here, in Portland, Oregon, where I go to high school as an international exchange student from China, people live a slow lifestyle with spare time to enjoy weekends and holidays, and the beauty of nature. During my spare time, I relax and care for flowers in the garden.
  【關键词】Each Flower; Each Student; English; vocabulary
  【作者简介】Yilin Chen, Westside Christian High School, Tigard, Oregon, USA.
  When I spend a long time with the flowers, I feel they become me and I become them. Their colors plant in my heart, and sometimes I do not even need to see them because I can feel who they are. Different seasons have different flowers, and they each represent different beauty. Yet, the flowers share a common factor: they each have a value and reason to exist. I do not have a single favorite flower, as I see the beauty and important role of each and every flower in my mind.
  Each summer, when I return to China for the school break, I go to a poor village in NAME OF PROVINCE/STATE to teach English for a month or half to elementary school kids. Education resources in China are really unequal between the rich and the poor and the cities and the country. Some kids receive little education and rarely skills in other languages like English. As an exchange student from China to America, I have unique experiences and knowledge. I want to share with kids.
  In the beginning, the classes were really hard. I treated the kids as my students. I forced them to memorize vocabulary required by the Chinese government, vocabulary not of my own choosing. Each student needs to know a certain amount of vocabulary in English before they graduate and take the middle school entrance test. These kids were already in fifth grade and two years away from middle school, but they had not learned much English as no teacher was available. While fifth grade students in Beijing and other big cities often knew many English words and could speak simple sentences, these kids in this poor village knew no words and not even the alphabet. The students had no enthusiasm and tested my patience. I didn’t know what to do.
  I almost gave up, because I did not know what to do to help. “Maybe I’m too young to be a teacher,” I thought one day after school. I took a walk on a small path in the mountain and reflected, “I’m overwhelmed, but I don’t want to give up as the other teachers did.” I walked carefully over and around rock and brush, and felt I had no choice but to stay as I knew the kids needed me. The early summer afternoon in south China was hot, but the walk gave me a needed break, and so I watched the flowers dancing with the rhythm of the wind.   The jasmine special fragrance stood out to me; although jasmine is not as pretty as peony, or as colorful as rose, it smelled really good. I felt released. I picked some of the jasmine petals, planning to make some healthy Chinese jasmine tea. I kept walking, and some grass type of stuff stopped me, mugwort, a type of plant which keeps mosquitos away. The smell of mugwort is not as good as jasmine, and its appearance is not that attractive, but it plays a role in nature nonetheless. On my way back to the school, I passed a pond with lotus floating on the surface, and they looked so nice. Though they were not as colorful as some of the other flowers, they still looked perfectly placed, and I thought out loud, “I should make lotus cake for my students.”
  During this adventure, I discovered some new things about education. There are no bad students everyone has something good to offer, and a special intelligence, almost like a super power, they bring to the world. Each flowers is different and yet equal in value, role, and purpose, and students are not the same either. A good teacher’s job is to take an adventure and discover and train the super power in each student.
  After my walk, I started to treat the students as my friends and to figure out each one’s uniqueness. The situation in the classroom became much better, because I noticed their different beauties. Some were good at art, while some were good at acting, and then there was a girl I can never forget. Her name was Siyu, and she had a hard time memorizing the vocabulary, but she was really good at music. So, one day, I encouraged her to create a song which included all the hard vocabularies, to help her memorize. She really did it, brought it to the class and shared with others. The whole class used her song as a tool to get through the hard time of memorizing. I was like a gardener fertilizing new growth and beauty in her flowers.
  Now, getting my own education in America, spending time with the flowers in the garden is a habit. I love all the flowers and know, somehow, they each have a reason to be here, each with wisdom and beauty to share.
【摘要】初中英语作为一门重要的基础学科,不仅有效衔接了小学英语知识,还为学生开展高中和大学的英语学习打下了基础,因此如何提高初中英语课堂的教学效率,培养学生良好的英语能力就显得尤为重要。在此背景下将分组教学法引入课堂,可以调动学生的学习积极性,让全体学生都参与到课堂学习中来,是构建高效英语课堂的有效策略。  【关键词】初中英语;分组教学;效率  【作者简介】李振宇(1970.12-),男,汉族,山
综合  我们对防御塔仇恨表现不稳定进行了研究。这些改动应该会解决大部分问题。  *现在英雄不再会因为进入潜行或者使用召唤师技能闪现而降低防御塔的仇恨  *英雄只有离开防御塔的攻击范围,死亡或者进入无法成为目标的状态(比如使用中娅沙漏,猩红收割者使用血池,蜘蛛女皇使用盘丝等)才会丢失防御塔的仇恨。  英雄改动  蒸汽机器人-布理茨  机械飞爪和静电力场的耗蓝降低。  随着现在流行的实用型英雄提供越来
【摘要】“互联网 ”理念逐渐普及到小学,被小学英语作为一种教学方法应用。把教育和科技联系在一起,使小学英语共享到最新最全的教學资源,促使小学英语教学不断反思与完善。本文从基本现状和实施浅谈“互联网 ”理念下的小学英语教学方式,探究最完善的“互联网 ”小学英语教学方式。  【关键词】互联网 ;小学英语;教学方式  【作者简介】郭莹(1985.01-),女,满族,本科,吉林省长春市农安县三岗镇中心小学
【摘要】新课改认为学生是课堂学习的主体,英语课程内容与组织形式是否符合中职生的学习需求,也直接影响着中职英语教学的实效性。为此,教师便应该结合中职生的学习成长特点重新規划英语课程的组织形式。本文将从整合英语基础知识与专业需求、以合作交流提升中职生的学习积极性、以赏识教育维护中职生的积极学习心理三个角度分析基于中职生学生特点下的中职英语教学的有效策略。  【关键词】中职英语;学生特点;教学策略  【
【摘要】高校英语语言学课程是一门基础必修课程,揭示了英语的本质功能及发展规律。现代高校英语语言学课程教学还存在一些问题,如何处理好英语语言学在英语教学中的运用问题是当前英语教学的难点,本文以英语教学为切入点,在分析英语语言学在英语教学中运用存在的问题的基础上,重点探讨了优化英语语言学在英语教学中运用的策略,旨在说明英语语言学教学的重要性。  【关键词】英语语言学;英语教学;问题及对策  【作者简介
对在2017年剛开始的几天,编辑部准备推出一系列对于今年的电竞市场的预测,今天会是第一部分,提到的方向是在上个月TGC发布会上,我的主要观点之一——电竞对于泛娱乐边界的改变。  去年的ChinaJoy上,第一次有人向笔者表达了电竞对之前泛娱乐边界可能产生很大影响的观点,当时颇有一种醍醐灌顶的感觉,却没能找到特别好的例证。直到年底的TGC上,预言成真,腾讯互娱成立电竞业务部门,平行于文学、影视、游戏
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