Research on Prevention of Corruption from thePerspective of Power List

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:manstation
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  1. the meaning of the list of power in China
  In the long-term practice development, there are three main ideas for the supervision and control of power. The doctrine of separation of powers proposed by Montesquieu’s “The Spirit of the Law” establishes the idea of restricting power by power; it establishes the power of rights by Rousseau’s “social contract theory” The idea of ??the rule of virtue in China’s traditional culture and the advocacy of ethics to govern society in today’s society has established a way of morally restricting power.
  The power list system is based on law, with the functions of clearing power, confirming power, decentralizing, and managing power, and using modern Internet technology to put power into the cage of the system and realize a system of power restriction that cannot be corrupted.
  2. the problem in the “power list” practice
  2.1 The lack of uniformity and dynamics in the setting of the power list
  Between different levels, the setting of the power list between the same level, especially the number of confirmed items, is quite different. Different levels of local economic development in China and different levels of social participation, so the differences in the formulation of power names, the basis of various powers, and the penalties imposed are large, which is not conducive to national pooling and is not conducive to concrete implementation.
  2.2 The implementation of the power list is incomplete
  The “list of powers” sometimes become internal documents of government departments. First, there is no negative list, and it is impossible to effectively blame the implementation of the power list. Second, the publicity of the power list is insufficient. In particular, the publicity of the public opinion is insufficient, and the relevant information obtained by the administrative counterparts is limited. The list of powers can not be combined, resulting in the inability of the list to better serve the economic and social development of the service, and the role of putting power into the system cage and preventing corruption.
  3. improve the power list system to effectively prevent corruption
  3.1 Improve the uniformity and dynamics of the implementation of the power list
  To make the power list set public. First of all, we must adhere to the openness of the power list system. Secondly, insisting on the openness of the power list system, there must be a relatively standard standard for the disclosure of power. Finally, in order to open up the power list system, it is necessary to increase the propaganda of the power list system, and to “learn the list, know the list, use the list”, and truly play the effective role of the list.   In the process of building the power list system, we must deal with the relationship between the expansion of power and the flexibility of the list. Under the premise of the law, the list must be managed dynamically according to the economic and social development of China. It is necessary to realize the adjustment of laws and regulations and the adjustment of the power list.
  3.2 Ensuring the comprehensive promotion of the power list
  First, we must strengthen post-event supervision. The gradual establishment of the power list system requires that the operation of the post-event supervision in the past should only be changed. First of all, it is necessary to have a strong regulatory department, centralize the regulatory matters of relevant departments.The second is to innovate the way of supervision. Explore the establishment of an Internet management list model.Focus on the reform of the power list system to promote decentralization. First, we must rely on the right to release. The second is to improve the ability to undertake power.
  Focus on the reform of the power list system to promote decentralization. First, we must rely on the right to release. Devolution of power should be based on the power list. Handle the relationship between the government and the market and avoid improper intervention in the micro-market leadership. The second is to improve the ability to undertake power. Through the power list, it is clear what the government should do, what should be done, and at the same time as achieving slimming, we must also do a good job.
  [1]Zhang Kangzhi.On the Power Restriction of Political Science[J]. Journal of Renmin University of China,2000,No.2.
  [2]Zheng Juntian,Pei Yuanying,Gu Qing.Practice and improvement of the construction of local government power list system[J].China Administration,2016(2).
【摘要】高中阶段英语口语学习是最为重要也是最为困难的一部分,很多学生对英语学习以及口语学习兴趣较低。英语角活动在英语口语学习过程中具有着至关重要的作用,不仅可以激发学生的自信心,还能够培养学生的学习兴趣,因此本文针对英语角在英语口语学习中的作用展开全面的探讨。  【关键词】英语角;口语学习;自信心  【作者简介】尹菲,长郡湘府中学。  引言  英语学科是高中阶段最为基础也是最为重要的一个学科,但是
【摘要】谚语,作为人类语言的精华,是认知活动的产物,是建立在概念隐喻基础之上的。本文将从隐喻认知的视角,对比研究英德汉谚语的共性和差异及其原因。以期能在跨文化背景下,对进一步理解英德汉谚语独特而丰富的内涵提供一定的帮助。  【关键词】隐喻;认知对比;谚语  【作者简介】胡丹娟(1987-),女,湖南耒阳人,广州科技职业技术学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:认知语言学,外语教学。  一、隐喻认知概述
【摘要】阅读教学在初中英语教学中占据着重要地位,要坚持语篇分析理论的原则,提升学生的理解与认知能力,通过多元化的教学手段帮助学生开展阅读训练,以深度阅读、全科阅读等策略,提高学生的英语阅读能力。本文基于语篇分析理论的特点和教育方式进行分析,并结合作者经验提出相应的教学策略,意在提升初中生的阅读能力。  【关键词】初中;英语;阅读;语篇分析  【作者简介】闲志婵(1976.09-),女,汉族,广东人
【摘要】本文以社会主义核心价值观为指导,以《综合英语》教材为依托,用行动研究方法研究英语专业课程思政的元素的提炼和耦合策略,旨在探究如何构建“一核两翼”英语专业课程思政体系、探究专业课程和思政课程融合的步骤和策略,以落实高校专业课立德树人的根本任务。  【关键词】课程思政;英语专业;“一核两翼”  【作者简介】沈国芬,浙江越秀外国语学院应用外语学院。  【基金项目】本文为浙江越秀外国语学院科研项目
【摘要】写作能力体现出的是学生的英语综合素养发展水平,这也是在目前的高中英语教学中把写作教学作为重要关注点的原因。为了保证写作教学效果,高中英语教师要积极将以读促写教学策略应用到课堂上,通过发挥阅读对写作的积极促进和支持作用,来发展学生的写作能力。  【关键词】以读促写;高中;英语;写作;运用  【作者简介】丘凯坤(1974.02-),男,广东蕉岭人,蕉岭县华侨中学,中学英语一级教师,研究方向:中
【摘要】随着新时期经济和社会的发展,各个国家之间的竞争日益激烈,致力于公民素质的全面提升已经成为世界各国发展的主题之一。因此,在中学各学科中培养核心素养已成为提升我国教育水平和国民素质的重要渠道。  【关键词】初中英语教学;核心素养;语言能力  【作者简介】陈榕梅(1969.08-),女,汉族,福建人,福州教育学院附属中学,本科,中学英语高级,研究方向:英语教育。  随着全球信息化时代到来,英语作
【摘要】素质教育背景下,培养学生的核心素养已经成为教育改革的核心要求。小学英语教学中,教师应该在帮助学生掌握英语知识的基础上,培养并提升他们的自主学习能力,促使学生学会自主探索和思考,发展他们的英语思维。在设计教学活动的过程中,教师可以从以下四个方面入手,以培养学生的学科核心素养。  【关键词】小学英语;核心素养;培养途径  【作者简介】蒋荣,冯斌,江苏省扬州市高邮经济开发区树人小学。  前言  
【摘要】在高校的英语教学中,情境教学法是一种十分有效的教学方法,能够有效的激发学生的学习兴趣,促进学生英语能力的提升。本文首先分析了情境教学法在英语专业应用型人才培养中存在的问题,然后针对如何在教学中合理的使用情境教学法提出了几点策略。  【关键词】情境教学法;英语专业;应用型人才;培养;应用  【作者简介】贾卫章(1968.08.06-),男,汉族,浙江绍兴人,浙江越秀外国语学院副教授,硕士研究
【摘要】教育部公布的《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》中就强调了要改变课程中过于注重知识传授的倾向,进一歩形成积极主动的学习态度。积极进取的学习态度是学生取得进步的保证,是培养当代学生具有终身学习能力的重要因素。  【关键词】城乡结合部;高中英语;学习态度;有效策略  【作者简介】谷桃,谷桃高中英语名师工作室。  【基金项目】本文系兰州市“十三五”教育科学个人课题《城乡结合部高中生英语学习态度的调查