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我国社会主义市场经济目前正处于蓬勃发展时期,各地人才市场已初步形成,各种形式的招聘广告也随处可见。但仔细审视一下,招聘单位对招聘对象的要求未免过于死板,除性别、年龄、学历、专业等条件外,大多数单位都提出了应聘人员需具有三至五年以上实际工作经验的要求。这种要求本身并无不妥,工作三至五年,年富力强,驾轻就熟,求之不得。可这只是招聘单位的一廂情愿,事实上,许多单位连续到人才市场摆摊设点,连续刊登招聘启事,可达成协议的并不多。 笔者认为,出现上述情况主要有以下几点原因: (一)符合条件的招聘对象不多。前些年我国教改步子迈得不大,学科结构不甚合理,热门专业毕业生供不应求。这些人目前虽基本具备应聘条件,但僧多粥少,不能满足需要。 At present, the socialist market economy in our country is in a period of vigorous development. The talent market in all parts of the country has been initially formed and advertisements of various forms of recruitment are also available everywhere. However, a closer look at the requirements of recruiters on the recruitment of candidates is too rigid, with the exception of gender, age, education, professional and other conditions, the majority of units have proposed candidates should have more than three to five years of practical work experience requirements. There is nothing wrong with this requirement itself. It takes only three to five years to work, and the prime of life is strong and capable. However, this is only the wishful thinking of the employers. In fact, many units have continuously set up their labor market stalls and there are not many agreements that can be reached on a continuous basis. The author believes that there are mainly the following reasons for the above situation: (A) meet the conditions of the recruitment of small. In recent years, China’s education reform step is not big step, subject structure is not reasonable, popular professional graduates in short supply. Although these people basically have the necessary conditions for employment, they are too little to meet their needs.
Molar-tooth(MT) structure is an enigmatic sedimentary structure consisting of variously-shaped cracks and voids filled with a characteristically uniform,equant
利用两种鸭乙型肝炎病毒(DHBV) DNA双体质粒及环化的DHBV DNA体内转染2d龄鸭及4~20d龄鸭,大多数鸭产生了短暂病毒血症,少数鸭产生了持续病毒血症。转染鸭血清中检测到DHBs/preS Ag、DHBV DNA及DHBV病毒颗粒,转染鸭血清腹腔注射1d龄鸭可感染成功,转染鸭肝组织检测到复制型DHBV DNA,提示转染后既有抗原的表达,又有病毒的复制。另外,用两种DHBV DNA单体质粒