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自辛亥革命推翻清王朝到二次革命结束,中国近代一次轰轰烈烈的民主政治实践全方位展开,各项民主活动竞相登上历史舞台,但仅仅一年多的时间就走向了失败。中央政府权威缺失,民主政治制度建设、运行等方面的缺陷,革命党人缺乏政治经验是其失败的主要原因。 Since the overthrow of the Qing Dynasty from the Qing dynasty to the end of the second revolution since the Revolution of 1911, a vigorous practice of democratic politics in modern China has been carried out in all directions. All kinds of democratic activities have vied with each other on the stage of history. However, it failed in just over a year. The lack of authority of the central government, the defects in the construction and operation of a democratic political system, and the lack of political experience among the revolutionaries are the main reasons for its failure.
在英语中,我们可以用多种表达方式提出建议,现归纳如下:表格一:情态动词提建议 In English, we can make suggestions in a variety of ways and they are summarized as fo
什么动物咬力最大?答案是作为恐龙之王的霸王龙。美国布朗大学的动物学家观察了在三角 What animal bite maximum? The answer is Tyrannosaurus rex as the king of dinosau
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1.我国西南部有许多亿万年形成的岩溶区,地下、地面都有许多奇形怪状的岩石和溶洞。 1. There are many karst areas formed in the southwestern part of China with hund
我们班有个女生,性格简直酷毙了,同学们都叫她“Cool girl”。我们班的纪律非常差,经常惹得班主任老师对我们“雷雨交加”。有一节班会课,班主任老师让我们全班同学写保证书