Tetrapartite entanglement features of W-Class state in uniform acceleration

来源 :物理学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luckycpw
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Using the single-mode approximation,we first calculate entanglement measures such as negativity (1-3 and 1-1 tangles) and yon Neumann entropy for a tetrapartite W-Class system in noninertial frame and then analyze the whole entanglement measures,the residual π4 and geometric Π4 average of tangles.Notice that the difference between π4 and Π4 is very small or disappears with the increasing accelerated observers.The entanglement properties are compared among the different cases from one accelerated observer to four accelerated observers.The results show that there still exists entanglement for the complete system even when acceleration r tends to infinity.The degree of entanglement is disappeared for the 1-1 tangle case when the acceleration r > 0.472473.We reexamine the Unruh effect in noninertial frames.It is shown that the entanglement system in which only one qubit is accelerated is more robust than those entangled systems in which two or three or four qubits are accelerated.It is also found that the yon Neumann entropy S of the total system always increases with the increasing accelerated observers,but the Sκξ and Sκζδ with two and three involved noninertial qubits first increases and then decreases with the acceleration parameter r,but they are equal toconstants 1 and 0.811278 respectively for zero involved noninertial qubit.
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摘 要:教师注重提高自身素质,准确把握教材,采用科学的教法,充分调动学生的学习积极性,就能达到理想的教学效果。   新的教学理念告诉我们,所谓“有效”,主要是指通过教师在一段时间教学之后,学生所获得的具体进步或发展。教学有没有效益,并不是指教师有没有教完内容或教得认真不认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么或学生学得好不好。因此,数学课堂教学不应是一种简单的知识传授与记忆的过程,也不应仅仅是教师展示自己才
一、如何进行运动技术的教学  首先教师要明白什么是运动技术。  运动技术:是各体育项目技术动作的总称。指符合人体运动科学原理.能充分发挥身体潜在能力,有地完成动作的合理方法。  在体育课中进行运动技术教学就是让学生明白这个动作怎样做、什么是正确动作、只有让学生弄明白动作技术才能更好的锻炼身体、增强体质达到课程学习目标。为今后的学习锻炼打下一个良好的基础,终身受益。  我是如何进行运动技术的教学? 