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黄道,原名黄瑞章,别号一鸣,江西横峰县姚家垅人,一九○○年四月二十五日生。黄道参加过“八一”南昌起义,和方志敏一道,创建了赣东北革命根据地,长期领导闽北苏区的斗争,红军长征后,留在南方坚持游击战争,历任赣东北省委组织部长,闽北特委书记,闽赣省委书记等职。抗战爆发后,任新四军驻赣办事处主任、江西省委书记。一九三九年五月二十三日遇害于铅山河口。黄道同志被害至今已有四十多年了,但他主持新四军驻赣办事处工作时的功绩,仍为人们所怀念;研究他在抗战初期协助政府 The ecliptic, formerly known as Huang Ruizhang, alias Yat Ming, Jiangxi Yokogawa Yao people, April 25, 19om students. Ecliptic participated in the “August 1” Nanchang Uprising, and together with Fang Zhimin, founded the revolutionary base areas in northeastern Jiangxi and long led the struggle in the Soviet area in northern Fujian. After the Long March of the Red Army, they remained in the guerrilla war in the South for a long time, North special secretary, secretary of Fujian Provincial Party Committee and other staff. After the outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan, he was the director of the office of the new fourth army in Jiangxi and the secretary of Jiangxi provincial party committee. On May 23, 1939, he was killed at the mouth of the Yanshan River estuary. Although it has been more than 40 years since the death of Comrade Zodiac, his merit in hosting the work of the New Fourth Army in the Gan area remains a reminder to the people. Studying his assistance to the government in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War
Background:Retinal vessels may provide information on cerebral vascular pathology,because they share many features with cerebral vessels.A smaller ratio of the
我省曾是全国丝虫病流行最严重的省份之一 ,防治前 82个市、县 (按 80年行政区划 )皆有丝虫病流行 ,占全国 16个省 86 4个流行市、县数的 9.4 9%。据 50年代调查 ,全省平均微
中国第二历史档案馆成立三十五年了。我们热烈庆祝建馆三十五周年! 中国第二历史档案馆从创建到现在,经历了创立时期、建设时期,十年动乱和恢复发展时期,到现在,已经成为我
作为教师都知道:兴趣是最好的老师。因此,教师教学时,总是想方设法提高学生学习的兴趣,从而调动学生学习的积极性。 As a teacher all know: interest is the best teacher.