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栾殿顺同志现在沈阳医药采购站工作。自参加革命工作后,立场坚定,是非明确,工作一贯积极肯干,任劳任怨,从不计较个人得失。在部队中曾立过数次小功,转业后又多次评为该站先进工作者。由于思想、工作双跃进,在1955年光荣地参加了中国共产党。在党的直接培养教育下,不骄不躁,继续前进,因而1958年又出席了沈阳市先进工作者代表会议。勤学苦炼、提高了技术水平1952年栾殿顺同志转业到商业部门后,担任保管员工作。因为所保管的医疗器性质复杂,有些是精密仪器,在运输过程中最易破损,这就不单纯要求保管人员迫切精通业务、掌握保管知识,更主要的是在修配人员缺乏的情况下进行修里。于是栾同志就日以继夜地钻研业务,首先看有关书籍,充实理论,然后就把理论结合到日常工作中来。在技术方面碰到了难关就到处求师访友,曾多次去沈阳医疗器械厂请求技师的帮助,克服了种种的困难,由不懂技术到掌握了技术,由修理一般器械达到配制精密仪器。几年来东奔西跑,为各地医疗单位修复和安装了大批的精密仪器,并受到了若干单位的来信表扬。 Luan Dian-shun now Shenyang pharmaceutical procurement station work. Since taking part in the revolutionary work, his position has been firm and unequivocal. His work has always been enthusiastic and resolute in his work and has always been hard working and never minds his personal gains and losses. In the army had set up several small work, after graduation and repeatedly rated as the station’s advanced workers. In 1955, he participated gloriously in the Communist Party of China due to his double leaps in his thinking and work. Under the direct education and training of the party, he went on arrogance and continued to move forward, and in 1958 he attended the Shenyang Workers’ Congress. Work hard and improve the technical level Comrade Luan Dianshun 1952, after relocating to the commercial sector, as custodian. Because of the complex nature of the medical devices in custody, some of them are precision instruments that are most easily damaged during transport. This does not simply require custodial staff to be proficient in business, acquire knowledge of custody, and more importantly, repair workers in the absence of personnel in. So Luan comrades day and night to study the business, first of all read books, enrich the theory, and then put the theory into daily work. In technical difficulties encountered everywhere seek friends, has repeatedly go to Shenyang Medical Equipment Factory to request the help of technicians to overcome all kinds of difficulties, from not knowing the technology to master the technology, to repair the general equipment to prepare precision instruments. Over the past few years running around for the medical units around the repair and installation of a large number of precision instruments, and has been praised by a number of units of the letter.
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