
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Phoenix_Ex
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浅学而自满与学而知不足,两种学习态度,决定着学习成效的有无、大小。这本是一个浅显的道理,为人们的实践所证实。然而,对于某些教师来说,或并不尽知,或知之而不行,或虽行而不能有恒。其表现之一,如清人郑燮所说:“读书以过目成诵为能……眼中了了,心下匆匆,如看场中美景,一眼即过,与我何与也?”不甚了了,还自以为能,收效必甚微。表现之二,则如清人刘开所概括的:“学犹未达,强以为知,理有未安,妄以臆度。”不知而强以为知,还妄加猜度,怎能获得真知?又怎能不断进步?这类统而言之可称之为“学而知足”的现象,虽属少数,却严重影响着教师自身水平的提高。浅学而自满的现象之所以存在,一个重要原因乃是对于主观与客观之间的关系——对于学然后知不足的道理认识不够。无论是从宏观还是微观范围说,人类通过自己的实践,已经揭开了许多秘密,开拓了不少认识领域,积累了丰富的知识;但未知的领域却更多,认识永无穷尽。我们要掌握前人已经积累的知识和经验,并且不断开拓新的认识领域,最起码的条件和必须的态度,即是学而知不足。不断学习,方能有 The lack of knowledge and complacency in learning and self-satisfaction, and the two learning attitudes, determine the effectiveness and size of learning. This is a simple truth, as confirmed by people’s practice. However, for some teachers, they may not be fully aware of it or may not be able to know it, or may not be able to do so. One of its manifestations, as stated by Qing Zheng, said: “Reading books can make you look like you can...it’s in your eyes, and your heart is in a hurry. If you look at the beauty in the field, you can see it immediately. How can it be with me?” It’s also self-righteous, and the result will be minimal. The second performance, as summarized by Qing Kai Liu Kai, said: “If you fail to learn, you must think that you have knowledge that you are unsettled and that you are not comfortable with it.” I do not know, but I think that I know it, and I guess how can I get it? How can we continue to improve? This type of system, which can be called “learning and contentment,” is a minority, but it seriously affects the level of teachers themselves. The reason why the phenomenon of superficial learning and self-satisfaction exists is that there is not enough understanding of the relationship between subjectivity and objectivity—the reason for learning and then not knowing enough. Whether it is from the macroscopic or microscopic scope, mankind has opened many secrets through his own practice, has opened up many areas of knowledge, and has accumulated rich knowledge; but there are more unknown areas, and knowledge is endless. We must master the knowledge and experience that our predecessors have accumulated, and continue to open up new areas of knowledge. The minimum conditions and necessary attitudes are the lack of knowledge. Constant learning can only happen
开辟“第二课堂”,改革现行教学体系,是四化建设和迅猛发展的科技形势对学校教育的要求。 Opening up the “second class” and reforming the current teaching system ar
世界上,最早提出启发式教学的是孔子。这就是:“不愤不启 不悱不发 举一隅不以三隅反 则不复也。”(《众论语·述而》)按一般的解释:“愤” 就是心求通未得而有激愤之意。“