
来源 :浙江教育科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pbsiszx1234567
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如何于教学实践中兼顾学生的实际需要和文本的编排意图,实现“生本”与“文本”的对接,是当前最值得研究的问题之一。本文首先结合实例探究对接现状,继而结合实践探索,阐述“依据‘文本’整体确定基础目标”、“基于‘生本’弹性预设拓展目标”和“紧扣目标层递架设学习时空”三大对接策略,并在此基础上分享感悟,提出“解剖式文本解读是实现对接的前提”、“双层式目标设计是实现对接的关键”和“导学式过程预设是实现对接的保障”。 It is one of the most worthwhile research issues in the teaching practice to take into account the actual needs of students and the intent of the texts to realize the connection between “students ” and “text ”. This article first explores the status quo of docking with examples, and then explores the practice of combining with practice to set forth the basic goal of “based on the text of the overall definition of”, “based on the” Learning space-time “three docking strategy, and on this basis to share the perception, proposed ” anatomical text interpretation is to achieve the premise of docking “, ” double-layer target design is the key to achieve docking “and ” guide Learning Process Preset is to achieve the protection of docking.
患者 男性,70岁.因左侧睾丸肿大2个月于2004年10月入院.6年前在当地医院曾行右肾癌根治术,病理检查为肾透明细胞癌.术后一直未复诊.入院查体:心肺腹无异常,左睾丸上极可及一4 cm×3 cm×2 cm大小肿块,质硬,表面不规则,活动度可.浅表淋巴结未及明显肿大.甲胎蛋白(AFP)、绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)均阴性.B超:左睾丸上极可及一个中度回声团块,3.1 cm×2.5 cm大小,内部
AIM:To assess subcellular localization of KL-6 mucinand its clinicopathological significance in colorectalcarcinoma as well as metastatic lymph node and livert
Objective To investigate the value of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in the assessment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and monitor its m
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Journal of China University of Geosciences (CN 42-1279/P, ISSN 1002-0705) will change its title officially into Journal of Earth Science (CN 42-1788/P, ISSN 167