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我家乡的四季特别美丽,尤其是姥姥家后院的小菜园……春季,菜园里的菜苗都探出了头。它们左瞧瞧、右看看,看见太阳高高地挂在天上,积雪和冰块都悄悄地融化了,它们终于可以安心地成长了。夏季,植物又长高了一大截。看!这不是姥姥种的西红柿吗?它们三个一群、两个一伙,看上去真像一张张灿烂的笑脸,满怀欣喜地迎接你的到来。瞧!这个笑得咧开了嘴巴,露出了粉嫩的果肉……秋季到了,植物们结出了果实。姥姥在菜园周围种的几排玉米长 Four seasons in my hometown are particularly beautiful, especially the small garden in the grandma’s backyard ... In the spring, all the vegetable seedlings in the vegetable garden have stuck their heads. They glanced to the left, looked to the right, saw the sun hanging high above the sky, and the snow and ice cubes melted down quietly, and they finally grew peacefully. Summer, plants grow taller. Look! This is not the kind of grandmother tomatoes? They are a group of three, two gangs, looks like a bright smile, full of joy to meet you. Look, this is a grinning smile with pink flesh ... The autumn is over, and the plants bear fruit. The grandmother grows a few rows of corn long around the vegetable garden
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