Hydrodynamics Research on Amphibious Vehicle Systems:Engineering Application

来源 :Journal of China Ordnance | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:soogler
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Based on the modeling theoretical research of the amphibious vehicle systems, a simulation computed architecture on the state space expressions of hydrodynamics for amphibious vehicle systems are educed, and simulation computed results of navigation characteristics, vibration-impact characteristics, firing-hitting characteristics for amphibious vehicle on water are given. It is shown that the hydrodynamic research on amphibious vehicle systems is necessary and feasible. Based on the modeling theoretical research of the amphibious vehicle systems, a simulation computed architecture on the state space expressions of hydrodynamics for amphibious vehicle systems are educed, and simulation computed results of navigation characteristics, vibration-impact characteristics, firing-hitting characteristics for amphibious vehicles on water are given. It is shown that the hydrodynamic research on amphibious vehicle systems is necessary and feasible.
目的:考察富马酸比索洛尔鼻喷剂及其附加剂对蟾蜍上颚纤毛运动的影响。方法以生理盐水作为对照,10 mg/mL去氧胆酸钠溶液作为阳性对照,比较100μL富马酸比索洛尔鼻喷剂、25 mg/mL
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