
来源 :现代生物医学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sheep0211
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多胺(Polyamines)是直链多价阳离子碱性胺,包括腐胺(putrescine,PUT),精胺(spermine,SPM),精脒(spermidine,SPD)等。广泛存在于各种组织细胞内,是一种代谢调控物质,在细胞的增殖分化中起着重要作用。脑梗死是成人致残、致死的最常见疾病之一。研究表明,脑缺血后,多胺及其代谢产物增加,能引起梗死面积的扩大及缺血半暗带神经细胞的坏死。其潜在机制尚不明确,可能与缺血后多胺代谢产生腐胺,3-氨基丙醛(3-amidopropanal 3-AP),过氧化氢及丙烯醛等的活性物质有关,它们参与开放钙离子通道,破坏血脑屏障,形成血管源性脑水肿及缺血再灌注性神经性损伤等病理过程。而抑制多胺代谢可有效地缓解缺血后多胺及其代谢产物增加引起的神经损伤。本文就多胺及代谢产物对脑缺血的神经毒性作用及药物抑制多胺代谢治疗脑梗死做一综述。 Polyamines are linear multivalent cationic basic amines, including putrescine (PUT), spermine (SPM), spermidine (SPD) and the like. Widespread in a variety of tissue cells, is a metabolic regulator, in the proliferation and differentiation of cells play an important role. Cerebral infarction is one of the commonest diseases in adults that cause disability and death. Studies have shown that, after cerebral ischemia, polyamines and their metabolites increased, can cause infarct size and necrosis of ischemic penumbra nerve cells. The underlying mechanism is unclear and may be related to the production of putrescine, 3-amidopropanal 3-AP, hydrogen peroxide, acrolein and other active substances after the ischemic polyamine metabolism, which are involved in the opening of calcium ions Channels, damage the blood-brain barrier, the formation of vasogenic brain edema and ischemic reperfusion nerve injury and other pathological processes. Inhibition of polyamine metabolism can effectively alleviate the ischemic polyamine and its metabolites increased nerve injury. This article reviews the neurotoxic effects of polyamines and metabolites on cerebral ischemia and the pharmacological inhibition of polyamine metabolism in the treatment of cerebral infarction.
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