郭新:勇于创新 永争第一

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北京市宣武区职业介绍服务中心成立于1987年,是北京市劳动行政部门最早开办的劳动力供需中介机构之一,目前已拥有三座总共近1000平方米的服务大厅,40多名训练有素的专职工作人员,年平均接待用人单位6000多家次,接待求职人员20多万人次,已成为北京市最有影响力、最具活力、服务功能最全、声誉很高的规范化、现代化和科学化的职业介绍机构之一。仅1999年就接待60多名国外来宾的参观、咨询、交流。宣武区职业介绍服务中心是与职介中心主任郭新的名字紧紧连在一起的。 Founded in 1987, Beijing Xuanwu District Employment Service Center is one of the earliest labor supply and demand intermediary agencies set up by Beijing's labor administration department. Currently, it has three service halls with a total area of ​​nearly 1,000 square meters and more than 40 well-trained service centers Full-time staff, the average annual reception more than 6,000 units employing more than 200,000 people receiving job-seekers, has become Beijing's most influential, most dynamic, most full-service, high reputation of the standardization, modernization and scientific One of the employment agencies. In 1999, it hosted more than 60 foreign guests to visit, consult and exchange. Employment Service Center in Xuanwu District is closely linked with the name of director Guo Xin.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。振兴东北 关注长春——长春市城乡空间系列规划 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to
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