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旧中国的苏北地区,洪涝灾害频繁,要么是赤地千里,颗粒不收,要么是一片汪洋,良田淹没。房屋倒塌,成千上万的人民流离失所,奔赴他乡苦度岁月,有的卖儿卖女,有的妻离子散。千百年的水患成为苏北人民的一大苦难。新中国成立不久,在国民经济极端困难的情况下,为尽快消除淮河水患,党中央、毛主席发出治理淮河的号召。1952年5月,我中国人民解放军90师奉命改编为中国人民解放军水利师,开赴治淮前线,担负淮河中下游的水库、闸坝修建任务。根据江苏省治淮指挥部的领导同志介绍,要根治淮河,就要同时解决上下游河流的问题,特别 Old northern China, flooding disaster frequently, either red miles, particles do not accept, either a vast expanse, fertile fields flooded. Houses collapsed, tens of thousands of people were displaced, traveled to other parts of the country for years of hardship, and some sold and sold children and some wives and children scattered. Thousands of floods became a great tribulation to the people of northern Jiangsu. Soon after the founding of new China, under the extremely difficult national economy, in order to eliminate the floods in the Huaihe River as soon as possible, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao issued a call for governing the Huaihe River. In May 1952, the 90th PLA Division of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army was ordered to be reorganized as a water division of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and moved to the front of Huaihe River to undertake the task of reservoirs and sluices in the middle and lower reaches of the Huai River. According to the leading comrades of the Huai River Command of Jiangsu Province, if we want to cure the Huai River, we must solve the problems of the upper and lower reaches of the river at the same time.
煤矿和金属矿建井所需时间占建设总工期的30~60%。煤矿及金属矿对竖井的需求量一直在增加。所以进一步改进建井技术、工艺以及管理工作,对缩短这些矿山建设周 Mine and meta
近年来,沧州市农业局针对沧州市盐荒面积达8.1万hm2(公顷),而且多未开发利用的特点,进行盐荒地开发示范种植地肤取得成功,为今后盐荒地开发创出一条新途径。 地肤幼苗及嫩叶可食用或作饲
一、我省水资源开发利用现状 1、水资源量及其分布: 我省地处祖国的东南部,有淮河、长江流过境内,形成淮北、江淮、淮南三大地区。我省属于季风盛行区,雨量丰沛且较集中,多
异文是语言文字学研究的重要内容,佛经是中华文化传承千年的瑰宝。佛经异文研究在佛经整理、汉字史及弘扬传统文化等多方面具有极高的学术价值。要研究佛经中的异文,需要在分类汇总的基础上进行异文比勘,采用文献调查法、分类整理法等,不仅可以为学术界提供一份经过系统整理的佛经异文资料库,还能进一步深化学界对异文的研究。  【关键词】佛经;异文;研究现状;研究价值;研究内容  1 异文的定义与分类  异文可以说是
电磁感应起爆系统(MBS——electromagnetic induction blasting system)是日本油脂株式会社为提高爆破作业的安全性及减轻其作业强度而开发的一种新型电雷管起爆系统。该系
A lateral double-diffused metal–oxide–semiconductor field effect transistor(LDMOST) with multiple n-regions in the p-substrate is investigated in detail. Beca