尊重个性 因材施教

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北京市朝阳区芳草地小学,是一所享有盛誉的京城名校。在近半个世纪的办学历程中,她哺育、培养了一批批名师,其中4名特级教师,24名中学高级教师,100多名小学高级教师。2004年,学校又有10名青年教师被评为市级骨干教师——这正是“名校出名师,名师支撑名校”的真实写照。一批批优秀青年教师在迅速成长、成熟、成才、成就,他们在教书育人、课程改革、教育科研等方面都做出了突出的成绩,他们是芳草地小学的未来和希望。在本期刊中刊中,他们从不同的视角书写自己的教育感悟、畅谈自己的成长历程。北京市朝阳区芳草地小学,是一所享有盛誉的京城名校。在近半个世纪的办学历程中,她哺育、培养了一批批名师,其中4名特级教师,24名中学高级教师,100多名小学高级教师。2004年,学校又有10名青年教师被评为市级骨干教师——这正是“名校出名师,名师支撑名校”的真实写照。一批批优秀青年教师在迅速成长、成熟、成才、成就,他们在教书育人、课程改革、教育科研等方面都做出了突出的成绩,他们是芳草地小学的未来和希望。在本期刊中刊中,他们从不同的视角书写自己的教育感悟、畅谈自己的成长历程。 Fangcao primary school in Chaoyang District, Beijing, is a prestigious capital elite. In the course of nearly half a century of running school, she nurtured and trained a batch of famous teachers, including four super-teachers, 24 middle school senior teachers and over 100 elementary school senior teachers. In 2004, another 10 young teachers in the school were awarded as municipal backbone teachers - a true portrayal of “elite schools and famous teachers supporting elite schools”. A group of outstanding young teachers are rapidly growing up, mature, successful and accomplished. They have made outstanding achievements in teaching and education, curriculum reform, education and scientific research. They are the future and hope of Fangdian Primary School. In this journal, they write their own educational insights from different perspectives and talk about their own growth. Fangcao primary school in Chaoyang District, Beijing, is a prestigious capital elite. In the course of nearly half a century of running school, she nurtured and trained a batch of famous teachers, including four super-teachers, 24 middle school senior teachers and over 100 elementary school senior teachers. In 2004, another 10 young teachers in the school were awarded as municipal backbone teachers - a true portrayal of “elite schools and famous teachers supporting elite schools”. A group of outstanding young teachers are rapidly growing up, mature, successful and accomplished. They have made outstanding achievements in teaching and education, curriculum reform, education and scientific research. They are the future and hope of Fangdian Primary School. In this journal, they write their own educational insights from different perspectives and talk about their own growth.
介绍了水压试验阀的应用,分析了整体锻造水压试验阀结构特点、工作原理及性能,给出了水压试验阀的设计计算方法及使用注意事项。 The application of hydraulic pressure te
设t=t(x),当x变化时动点P(t(x),u(t))表示一条曲线.如果设M(a,b)为定点,则k=(u(t)-b)/(t(x)-a)表示过曲线上动点P而绕定点M转动的直线的斜率.如果已知曲 Let t = t(x). When