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一、通识教育是成人高等教育自身发展的要求目前成人高等教育存在的问题是:第一,忽视培养对象的文化素质这直接表现为忽视成人的道德精神和文化素质的提高,成人高等教育似乎只是表现在为发展科学技术培养专业人才方面。因此,现代成人高等教育强调科技知识和实用知识教育,受教育者也只以获得实利和实用的知识为目的。虽然人们逐步地认识到“知识中心主义”的缺陷,提出了“培养能力”的主张。但这种“培养能力”论,仍然浸透了“训练”、“操作”、“谋利”色彩。它所强调的是一种技术化的能力,是远离人的心智发展主旨的能力。由于长期受工具论的影响,成人高等教育并没有从根本上走出误区,“人们往往特别会忽视人文科学。一般讲来,大多数教育体系并不是有助于受教育者——无论他们是青年还是成人——去认识他自己。教育忽视了教人如何在社会中生活、热爱生活并从事工作的基本职责”。这种片面性在我国高等教育领域直到 First, general education is the requirement of self-development of adult higher education At present, the problems in adult higher education are as follows: First, neglecting the cultural qualities of cultivating an individual directly reflects the neglect of the moral and cultural qualities of adults and adult higher education It is only reflected in the training of professionals for the development of science and technology. Therefore, modern adult higher education emphasizes science and technology knowledge and practical knowledge education, and educates only for the purpose of obtaining solid and practical knowledge. Although people gradually realized the defects of “knowledge centrism”, they put forward the proposition of “cultivating ability”. However, such “cultivation ability” theory is still permeated with “training”, “operation”, “profit” color. What it emphasizes is a technical ability, which is far from human mind development. Due to the long-term impact of the tool theory, adult higher education did not fundamentally go wrong, “People tend to particularly ignore the humanities .Generally speaking, most education systems are not conducive to educated people - whether they are Youth or adults - to know him.Education neglects the basic duties of teaching people how to live in society, to love life and to work. ” This one-sidedness has been in the field of higher education in our country
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