Characterization on the Mean Molar Absorptivity of Amino Acids in Microbial Lipopeptides

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:punkyard
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The molar absorption coefficients of each of 14 kinds of amino acids were determined by the spectrophotometric method, and the mean molar absorption coefficients of 37 different mixtures of each with amino acid composition exactly equivalent to that of the peptide chain of the corresponding lipopeptide were determined based on calculation or experimental. The significance of the results is that the mean molar absorption coefficients strongly demonstrate the regular patterns, though different amino acids bear quite different molar absorption coefficients. The molar absorption coefficients of each of 14 kinds of amino acids were determined by the spectrophotometric method, and the mean molar absorption coefficients of 37 different mixtures of each with amino acid composition exactly equivalent to that of the peptide chain of the corresponding lipopeptides were determined based on calculation or experimental. The significance of the results is that the mean molar absorption coefficients strongly demonstrates the regular patterns, though different amino acids bear quite different molar absorption coefficients.
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