
来源 :科学学与科学技术管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sda_xiangwei
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随着改革的深入,人们对事物的认识不断向深度和广度方面发展,对我国实施高技术研究发展计划(简称高技术计划)的认识也是如此。有些专家、学者就高技术计划的管理机制提了一些建议,这正是由于改革开拓了人们的思路,是对实施高技术计划认识有所提高的体现,是人们对高技术计划寄予厚望的表现。由于高技术计划的管理还需要不断改革和健全,因此,听取各方面的专家充分发表的意见,集思广益,是必要的。下面就有关高技术计划的管理问题提些粗浅看法。据我们所知,国家对高技术计划的实施管理进行了两项改革:一项是经费跟着任务走,量任务给钱,改变按部门切块拨款的办法,变粗放管理为集约化管理;另一项是专家委员会管理机制——即行政、技术指挥为一体的管理机制。这两项改革的目的是减少管理层次,缩短科研机构出成果出入才的周期,提高管 With the deepening of reform, people's understanding of things continues to develop in depth and breadth, as is our understanding of implementing high-tech research and development plans (referred to as high-tech plans) in our country. Some experts and scholars put forward some suggestions on the management mechanism of high-tech projects. This is precisely because the reform opened up people's thinking and reflected the realization of the realization of high-tech plans. It is a manifestation of high hopes for high-tech projects . Since the management of high-tech projects still needs continuous reform and soundness, it is necessary to listen to the opinions fully expressed by experts in various fields and to pool their wisdom and interests. Here are some superficial comments on the management of high-tech programs. To the best of our knowledge, the state has carried out two reforms in the implementation and management of high-tech projects: one is to follow the mission, the other is to give money and change the way of allocating funds according to the departments, while the extensive management is intensive management; One is a committee of experts management mechanism - that is, administrative, technical command as one of the management mechanism. The purpose of these two reforms is to reduce the level of management, shorten the cycle of scientific research institutions out of the results, improve the management
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