Immunization with Cop-1 promotes neuroprotection and neurogenesis after ischemic stroke

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyjoey
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Cerebrovascular diseases are considered to be amongst the most serious public health issues,since they are the third leading cause of death(WHO,2014)and the most common cause of disability worldwide.Its monetary significance is evidenced by the economic burden imposed on health care systems,given that the cost of medical care for a patient that has suffered a stroke is around$25,741US dollars every 5 years(Luengo-Fernandez et al.,2012).A stroke occurs as a result of a disturbance or interruption of cerebral blood Cerebrovascular diseases are considered to be amongst the most serious public health issues, since they are the third leading cause of death (WHO, 2014) and the most common cause of disability worldwide. Its monetary significance is evidenced by the economic burden imposed on health care systems, given that the cost of medical care for a patient that has suffered a stroke is around $ 25,741US dollars every 5 years (Luengo-Fernandez et al., 2012). A stroke occurs as a result of a disturbance or interruption of cerebral blood
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笔者于1980年6月应美国霍普金斯(Johns Hopkins)大学威尔玛(Wilmer)眼科研究所邀请,赴美合作科研,至今已半年有余。半年内参加了该所的科研与临床工作,参加了1980年美国眼科
摘要目的探讨MR神经成像(MRN)在周围三叉神经病变治疗方面的应用。方法 17例临床怀疑有周围三叉神经病(下牙槽神经和舌神经)的病人均接受了1.5 T MR扫描。对 Abstract Objec