
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dxseu
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农村小型水利工程是农业发展的最基础的条件,是实施农业可持续发展的关键,是构建我国粮食生产的重要基础。健全和完善适应新时期的农村小型水利工程管理办法使其发挥最大的效益,减少农业生产损失,缓解自然灾害给人民群众生活带来不便提出了新要求,因此,进一步做好小型水利工程管理工作非常必要和紧迫。 Small rural water conservancy projects are the most basic conditions for agricultural development, the key to the sustainable development of agriculture, and an important foundation for building grain production in our country. Improving and perfecting the rural small-scale water conservancy project management approach adapted to the new era has put forward new requirements for maximizing benefits, reducing losses in agricultural production and alleviating the inconvenience caused by natural disasters to the people’s livelihood. Therefore, further efforts should be made to manage small-scale water conservancy projects Very necessary and urgent.
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