
来源 :汽车运用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leefenbo
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据有关部门透露,为控制汽车废气排入大气、减少污染,到1995年底止,全国要更新100万辆汽车,并将逐步实现燃油无铅化。 目前,我国交通运输事业已有长足发展,公路里程正以年增1万公里的速度延伸,运输车辆剧增。据1993年度统计,全国汽车已达800万辆,年耗油2500万吨。 汽车排放中有害物质的含量,随着车辆增多而增加,势必影响到国人的生存环境。交通运输业的高速发展,已给环保工作带来很大的压力。前几年,我国已制定出汽车排放标准和在用汽车报废标准,推行强制更新制度, According to relevant departments, in order to control the emission of automobile exhaust into the atmosphere and reduce pollution, by the end of 1995, the country will need to upgrade 1 million vehicles and gradually realize the lead-free fuel. At present, China’s transport industry has grown by leaps and bounds. Its mileage is expanding at an annual rate of 10,000 kilometers and the number of transport vehicles has soared. According to the statistics of 1993, the number of vehicles in the country has reached 8 million and annual fuel consumption is 25 million tons. The content of harmful substances in automobile emissions increases with the increase of vehicles, which will inevitably affect people’s living environment. The rapid development of the transportation industry has brought great pressure on the environmental protection work. A few years ago, our country has formulated a car emission standards and standards in the car scrapped, the implementation of mandatory renewal system,
龙华 -虹桥输油管线始建于1985年 ,1988年12月投入运行 ,管线管径为Φ273×7,全长18.5km ,输送介质为3 #航空煤油 ,输送能力为200m3/h ,工作压力为1.0~1.8MPa。其防腐绝缘层采用三布四油沥青 (地铁沿线采用环氧煤沥青
福特公司的精密分层~加工过程把缸体或缸盖样件制作时间从一年缩短到100天或更少。 The precision stratification at Ford Motor Company reduces the time it takes to mak
“油价又涨了”!“的哥”们赚少了,乘客们掏得多了,人们真切地感到了油价上涨的压力。 不仅是交通行业。上至导弹下至面包,国民经济的各个方面都会受到影响。频繁的涨价当然
The Vrentas-Duda free-volume theory has been extensively used to correlate or predict the solvent diffusion coefficient of a polymer/solvent system. The energy
新生儿重度窒息是造成新生儿死亡和后遗症的重要原因之一,现把我院1998年1月~1999年5月治疗的30例新生儿重度窒息的体会,报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组男17例,女13例
在《应用化学》2 0 0 2年第 2期撰文指出 ,以SnCl4·5H2 O和SbCl3 为原料 ,采用共沉淀法制得了纳米级SnO2 超细粉 .运用DSC -TG、XRD和TEM等观测手段对微粉末进行了表征 .比较系统地研究了共沉淀温度
通过对国内外宏观经济环境分析和我国加入 WTO后国内外石油石化工业面临的竞争环境分析 ,指出了中国石化工业可能面临的机遇和挑战。 Through the analysis of macroeconomi