
来源 :植物生态学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lynn_lin
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人类社会的日益扩张,导致人类加速占据地球表面景观,并胁迫地球上生态系统提供不断增长的资源需求和废物吸收能力。所以保护尚未“开放”的自然生态系统及恢复退化的生态系统成为人类长期生存的重要保证。该文着重讨论了恢复过程中的土壤生态学问题。土壤是所有陆地生态系统的结构与功能基础。土壤微生物与动物的种群变化,土壤有机质的积累,及主要元素地球化学循环的改变是恢复生态的重要环节。生态恢复与演替有许多共性,所以演替理论对于认识生态系统恢复中的结构与功能变化有着很大帮助。与自然演替不同的是,人的积极参与在生态恢复中占有中心位置。从最初样地的确立与物种的选择,到后续的灌溉与施肥管理,人的选择影响着土壤的演化,生态系统的发展方向,和最终恢复生态的结果。为保障恢复生态系统的可持续性,短期的工作目标,如提供养分促进植物生长,务必与长期的工作目标,如土壤的恢复相结合。植物与土壤的相互反馈是生态恢复成功的重要标志。成功的生态恢复不仅是对现有生态学理论的“试金检验”,也是推动生态学学科发展的重要原动力。 The growing expansion of human society has led to the acceleration of humankind’s occupation of the Earth’s surface landscape and the coercion of the Earth’s ecosystems to provide ever-increasing resource needs and waste absorption. Therefore, protecting natural ecosystems that are not yet “open” and restoring degraded ecosystems has become an important guarantee for the long-term survival of mankind. This article focuses on soil ecology in the restoration process. Soil is the structural and functional basis of all terrestrial ecosystems. The change of population of soil microorganisms and animals, the accumulation of soil organic matter, and the change of the geochemical cycles of the major elements are important links in ecological restoration. There are many commonalities between ecological restoration and succession, so the succession theory is very helpful for understanding the structural and functional changes in ecosystem restoration. Different from natural succession, active participation of human beings plays a central role in ecological restoration. From the initial establishment of the plots and the selection of species to subsequent management of irrigation and fertilization, human choices influence the evolution of soils, the direction of ecosystem development, and the eventual ecological restoration. To ensure the restoration of ecosystem sustainability, short-term goals, such as the provision of nutrients for plant growth, must be combined with long-term goals, such as the restoration of soils. The mutual feedback between plant and soil is an important indicator of the success of ecological restoration. Successful ecological restoration is not only a “golden test” of existing ecological theories but also an important driving force for promoting the development of ecology.
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