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乡土史是历史教学的重要补充内容,它在激发学生历史学习的兴趣,增强爱乡、爱国的情感,以及在有效地开展历史课题的研究性学习、促进中学历史课程改革目标的顺利实现等方面都有独特的作用。本文就新课改下职高历史教学与乡土史的整合进行了初步探讨。 The local history is an important supplement to history teaching. It plays an important role in arousing the students’ interest in history learning, enhancing the love of their country and patriotism, as well as effectively carrying out the research of historical topics and promoting the smooth realization of the reform of history curriculum in middle schools Have a unique role. This article has carried on the preliminary discussion about the integration of the new curriculum reform of high school history teaching and the native history.
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性脑血吸虫病临床少见 ,其临床经过酷似脑肿瘤 ,常易误诊而进行不必要的开颅术。本科自 1979年 5月~ 1998年 6月共收治 2 9例脑性血吸虫病 ,15例初诊时被误诊为脑瘤等疾病。现