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2014年我国化纤行业加速产业升级,总体产量增速回落,在消化存量产能的同时,行业结构进一步优化。有关研究报告指出,2015年化纤行业整体运行可能略好于2014年,全年化纤总产量预计4 600万t,同比增长5%左右;利润总额比上年有所增长,运行质量有所好转。国家统计局数据显示,2014年化纤行业工业增加值同比增长8.5%,实现利润总额277.3亿元,增长 In 2014, China’s chemical fiber industry accelerated its industrial upgrading and overall output growth slowed down. While digesting its existing capacity, the industrial structure was further optimized. The research report pointed out that in 2015 the overall operation of the chemical fiber industry may be slightly better than in 2014, the annual total output of chemical fiber is expected to 4 600 million t, an increase of 5%; total profit increased over the previous year, operating quality has improved. National Bureau of Statistics data show that in 2014 chemical fiber industry, industrial added value increased by 8.5%, total profit of 27.73 billion yuan, growth
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