Comparative growth and viability of hybrids between two populations of Chinese shrimp (Fennropenaeus

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanagyuxing
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Fenneropenaeus chinensis is confined to the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in China and the West Coast of the Korean Peninsula. Intra- and in- tercross populations were produced between Rushany (YP) and Korean (KN) populations. Seven traits were recorded. The heterosis of hybrids was computed and comparison between treatments was performed by ANOVA. At the fourth month after post-larvae, six indexes of growth trait and viability showed a range of heterosis, ranging from 0.514% to 14.950%. At the fifth month after post-larvae, six in- dexes of growth trait and viability ranged from -9.000% to 19.090%. The negative heterosis was observed in CL, HST and viability. The heterosis of KN♀×YP♂ tended generally to increase as the age of the Chinese shrimp increased while the heterosis of YP♀×KN♂ tended to decrease. The results indicated that the viability of reciprocal hybrids were not sig- nificantly different (P>0.05) from their parents during the experiment. The result of ANOVA indicated that the F1 hybrids were significantly different (P<0.05) in WST and TW at the fourth month. The multiple comparisons of LSD test indicated that the hybrids of YP♀×KN♂ were significantly different (P<0.05) from their parents in TW. The hybrids of YP♀×KN♂ were significantly different (P<0.05) from the other three combinations in WST. At the fifth months, the F1 hy- brids had significant difference (P<0.05) in body weight while other traits showed no significant dif-ferences (P>0.05) from their parents. The multiple comparisons of LSD test indicated that the hybrids of KN♀×YP♂ were significantly different (P<0.05) from the KN parents in TW. The results indicate that in experimental conditions, the F1 hybrids created from two populations of Chinese shrimp showed a certain level of heterosis for growth performance and viability. The crossing scheme may improve growth perform- ance and viability in Chinese shrimp, but the im- provement may be limited because effective cross- breeding requires the maintenance of pure, prefera- bly inbred, lines and possibly involves specialized sire and dam lines. Therefore, the exploitation of heterosis through single crossbreeding in Chinese shrimp is of limited utility in practical commercial shrimp aquaculture in spite of the potential of signifi- cant heterosis. The crossbreeding of different popu- lations can be applied in the establishment of base populations. Fenneropenaeus chinensis is confined to the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea in China and the West Coast of the Korean Peninsula. Intra- and in- tercross populations were produced between Rushany (YP) and Korean (KN) populations. Seven traits were recorded. The heterosis of hybrids was computed and comparison between treatments was performed by ANOVA. At the fourth month after post-larvae, six indexes of growth trait and viability showed a range of heterosis, ranging from 0.514% to 14.950%. At the fifth month after post- larvae, six in dexes of growth trait and viability ranged from -9.000% to 19.090%. The negative heterosis was observed in CL, HST and viability. The heterosis of KN × × YP♂ tended generally to increase as the age of the Chinese The results indicated that the viability of reciprocal hybrids were not sig- nificantly different (P> 0.05) from their parents during the experiment. The result of ANOVA that the F1 hybrids were significantly different (P <0.05) in WST and TW at the fourth month. The multiple comparisons of LSD test indicated that the hybrids of YP♀ × KN♂ were significantly different (P <0.05) from their parents in TW . The hybrids of YP♀ × KN♂ were significantly different (P <0.05) from the other three combinations in WST. At the fifth months, the F1 hy- brids had significant difference The multiple comparisons of LSD test indicated that the hybrids of KN♀ × YP♂ were significantly different (P <0.05) from the KN parents in TW. The results indicating that in experimental conditions, the F1 hybrids created from two populations of Chinese shrimp showed a certain level of heterosis for growth performance and viability. The crossing scheme may improve growth perform- ance and viability in Chinese shrimp, but the im- provement may be limited because effective cross- breeding requires the maintenance of pure, prefera- bly inbred, lines and possiblyituted specialized sire and dam lines. Therefore, the exploitation of heterosis through single crossbreeding in Chinese shrimp is of limited utility in practical commercial shrimp aquaculture in spite of the potential of signifi- cant heterosis The crossbreeding of different popu- lations can be applied in the establishment of base populations.
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河南省水产科学研究院1975年建院,建院31年来共获得各类科研成果34项,其中:省部级贰等奖10项、叁等奖16项;地厅级奖励5项;通过省级鉴定整体水平达国内领先3项。 Henan Acade