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随着我国基础教育改革的逐步深入,素质培养已成为当代教育发展的主旋律。在课堂教学中培养学生的问题意识是实施素质教育的一个重要方面,也是顺应时代发展、培养创新人才的需要。什么是问题意识?从心理学的角度来看,问题意识指学生在认知活动中意识到一些难以解决的、疑惑的实际问题或理论问题时产生的一种怀疑、困惑、焦虑、探究的心理状态。这种心理状态驱使学生积极思维、认真揣摩、大胆质疑、从而不断提出问题和解决问题。学生问题意识的行为表现有:(1)好奇;(2)质疑;(3)困惑;(4)探究;(5)揣测。问题意识具有深层次思考的特征,是创造过程的起点。在教学中,教师要善于采取有效措施来提高学生的问题意识。 With the gradual deepening of the reform of basic education in our country, the cultivation of quality has become the main theme of the development of contemporary education. In the classroom teaching, cultivating students’ problem awareness is an important aspect of implementing quality education. It is also the need of adapting to the development of the times and cultivating innovative talents. What is problem awareness? From a psychological point of view, problem awareness refers to students in the cognitive activity aware of some difficult to solve, doubts about the actual problems or theoretical issues arising from a doubt, confusion, anxiety, psychological exploration status. This state of mind drove students to think positively, carefully try to figure out, boldly question, so as to constantly raise questions and solve problems. Behavior of students’ problem consciousness are: (1) curiosity; (2) questioning; (3) confusion; (4) inquiry; (5) speculation. Problem consciousness has the characteristics of deep thinking and is the starting point of the creative process. In teaching, teachers should be good at taking effective measures to raise students’ awareness of problems.
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一、填空题  1. 从n边形的一个顶点出发,可以引条对角线,从而将n边形分成个三角形,所以n边形的内角和等于.  2. 连接多边形中不相邻的两个顶点的线段,叫做多边形的,n边形共有条对角线.  3. 过多边形的一个顶点的所有对角线把这个多边形分成8个三角形,则这个多边形的边数为.  4. 如果一个多边形的内角和等于其外角和,那么这个多边形是边形.  5. 一个多边形的内角和与外角和之比为7 ∶ 2
高陵县姬家一中位于西安经济技术开发区泾渭工业园区,是一所农村初级中学,始建于1983年。栉风沐雨26载,姬家一中已经发展为一所高标准的现代化学校。目前,学校占地面积 1590