
来源 :中国实验方剂学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaods
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目的:考察肉桂不同部位(树皮、嫩枝、叶)及其挥发油的红外指纹图谱差异,为研究其不同部位所含化学成分特征提供参考依据。方法:采用傅里叶变换红外光谱法及二阶导数红外光谱法。结果:肉桂的树皮、嫩枝、叶原粉末红外光谱整体峰形较相似,三者均含有草酸钙、多酚类及糖苷类成分;嫩枝和叶在1 653 cm-1和1 734 cm~(-1)附近的特征峰要明显强于皮,推测嫩枝和叶中饱和脂肪酸酯类成分和黄酮类成分的含量要高于皮。采用二阶导数放大后,发现在1 480~1 435 cm~(-1)和1 630~1 580 cm~(-1)时,嫩枝有2个特征峰,而叶在相应位置只有1个特征峰。树皮、嫩枝、叶挥发油红外光谱与桂皮醛的光谱相近,通过相关系数的计算,发现三者挥发油中桂皮醛含量大小依次为树皮>嫩枝>叶;在1 734 cm~(-1)处附近,嫩枝和叶挥发油的峰强要明显大于树皮,说明嫩枝和叶的挥发油中还含有其他结构的酯类化合物。通过比较二阶导数光谱中1 275 cm~(-1)处峰附近的高低,可以进一步区分嫩枝和叶的挥发油。结论:红外光谱及二阶导数红外光谱法,不仅可以分析肉桂不同部位及其挥发油的整体化学成分差异,还可以区分含有相似成分的不同部位。 OBJECTIVE: To investigate the infrared fingerprint differences of different parts of cinnamon (bark, shoots, leaves) and their volatile oils, and to provide a reference for the study of the chemical constituents contained in different parts of cinnamon. Methods: Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and second derivative infrared spectroscopy. Results: The overall infrared spectra of cinnamon bark, twig and leaf primordium were similar. All three contained calcium oxalate, polyphenols and glycosides. The shoots and leaves at 1 653 cm -1 and 1 734 cm The peak around ~ (-1) is obviously stronger than that of the skin, suggesting that the content of saturated fatty acid ester and flavonoid in the shoots and leaves is higher than that in the skin. Using the second derivative, it was found that there were two characteristic peaks of young shoots at 1 480 ~ 1 435 cm -1 and 1 630 ~ 1 580 cm -1, while the leaves had only one at the corresponding position Characteristic peaks. The infrared spectrum of volatile oil of bark, twig and leaf was similar to that of cinnamaldehyde. Calculated by the correlation coefficient, the content of cinnamaldehyde in volatile oil of bark, twig and leaf was bark> twig> leaf at the order of 1 734 cm -1 ) Near the peak intensity of the volatile oil of young shoots and leaves was significantly greater than the bark, indicating that the volatile oil of twigs and leaves also contain other structures of ester compounds. The volatile oil of shoots and leaves can be further distinguished by comparing the height of the peak near 1 275 cm ~ (-1) in the second derivative spectrum. Conclusion: Infrared spectroscopy and second-order derivative FTIR spectroscopy can not only analyze the differences in the overall chemical composition of different parts of cinnamon and its volatile oils, but also distinguish between different parts containing similar components.
文章结合黄河内蒙古段的地理位置、河道特点及境内气温等因素,分析凌汛发生的特点和原因,并提出有效利用洪水的对策。 This article analyzes the characteristics and reas
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