Shrinking and Drying up of Baiyangdian Lake Wetland:A Natural or Human Cause?

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gcwx258
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The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years,but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by global climate warming.For a better understanding of the cause,this study investigates the dynamic changes of Baiyangdian Lake wetland over the last 40 years.It is shown that since the 1980s,Baiyangdian Lake has suffered from an insufficient water input and shrunk considerably.By using SPSS11.0,this study undertakes a detailed analysis on the significance of the effects of the possible driving factors for the degradation.It is identified that the North China Plain has been warming up significantly in recent years,which causes a significant reduction in the precipitation and inflow to the lake.Although human disturbances such as the irrigation and storage of water in reservoirs do not play a decisive role,they accelerate the degradation and their effects should be minimized. The shrinking and drying up of wetlands in arid and semiarid areas of China have been widely observed in the recent years, but there has been no consensus on whether the aggravation is caused by human activities or by global climate warming. For a Better understanding of the cause this this study investigates the dynamic changes of Baiyangdian Lake wetland over the last 40 years. It is shown that since the 1980s, Baiyangdian Lake has suffered from an insufficient water input and shrunk stations. By using SPSS11.0, this study undertakes a detailed analysis on the significance of the effects of the possible driving factors for the degradation. It is identified that the North China Plain has been warming up significantly in recent years, which causes a significant reduction in the precipitation and inflow to the lake. Though human disturbances such as the the irrigation and storage of water in reservoirs do not play a decisive role, they accelerate the degradation and their effects should be minimized .
1978年以来,郑芝田等用痢特灵治疗消化性溃疡,近期及远期疗效均较满意。我们自1985年10月至1986年6月用痢特灵及甲氰咪胍治疗消化性溃疡40例,现总结如下。病例和方法 40例均
目的 :主要探讨天龙降纤酶早期溶栓治疗急性缺血性脑血管病的临床疗效。方法 :设天龙降纤酶治疗组 2 3例和对照组 2 5例。治疗组除常规治疗外 ,在早期应用天龙降纤酶溶栓治疗
脑性瘫痪有五种类型 :痉挛型、手足徐动型、共济失调型、肌强直型和震颤型。其中以痉挛型最多 ,约50 %。此型患儿因肢体肌肉痉挛 ,呈现各种类型的畸形 ,如肩内收内旋、肘屈曲