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近年来,尽管我国政府出台了若干调控房地产市场的政策,但国家调控后的成效并不明显,主要大中城市的房价依然居高不下。今年8月5日,最新调整过的十二届全国人大常委会立法规划已向社会公布,其中包括房地产税法。从2011年房产税的试点征收到房地产税的立法规划,本文以此为背景,探讨全面开征房产税可能对我国房地产市场产生的影响并提出一些思考。 In recent years, although our government has promulgated a number of policies to control the real estate market, the effectiveness of the state regulation has not been obvious. Prices in major cities are still high. On August 5 this year, the legislative plan for the 12th NPC Standing Committee recently adjusted has been announced to the public, including the real estate tax law. From the real estate tax in 2011 the pilot collection of real estate tax legislation planning, this article as a background, to explore the full introduction of property tax may affect our real estate market and put forward some reflections.
The magnetism, the magnetocrystalline anisotropy and the optical properties of the monolayer and atomic chain of 4d transition-metal Ru are investigated by usin
This paper reports that a cloud of laser-cooled 40Ca+ is successfully trapped and manipulated in the home-built linear ion trap constructed for quantum informat