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  Tomorrow would be November 11th, Singles’ Day. The whole country seemed to be more than ready to celebrate it wholeheartedly, without any official recognition, though. I got a text message from this guy named Yang.
  “Hey, are you free tomorrow? Why don’t we go out and have some fun together?” My heart pounded fiercely as I read the message. I sensed that it could be the last time I contributed to this nationwide craze for celebrating, or should I put it as lamenting over2, being single.
  “I think so. I’m free so far. I will let you know if I can’t make it.” I reedited the message several times, pondering over every single word so as not to accidentally disclose any sign of excitement as I always did, but the rest of the day then was all about me obsessed with endless fantasies about the romantic beginning of a romantic relationship. It surely was the longest November 10th ever.
  The next morning. Single’s Day. Standing outside my dorm building, I looked up and took a deep breath, closing my eyes gently to allow the sunshine to stroke all over my face. I didn’t look in the mirror, but was convinced that my face must be radiant with smiles.3 Recovering from the temporary blindness the bright sunshine caused me, I found Yang waiting in the distance. After today, I would set myself free and run toward him, with both arms wide open. But there I was, walking toward him with grace and poise4.
  We went to the beach together. There were tourists scattered here and there. The buildings of Macau were a narrow strait away from us. We sat next to each other, having random talks from time to time, but the main recreation is to listen to the sound of waves lapping against the shore. I usually had no problem staying with him doing nothing, but at that moment, somehow, waves’ lapping felt boring and “doing nothing” seemed utterly awkward.
  “Mister, please buy a rose for this beautiful lady!” A little boy, who, with a basket of roses in his hand, was standing in front of us, interrupted the silence. I could feel my cheeks had flushed5 red.
  “Yes, this is the moment!” I thought. “He’s gonna do this! Eventually, he’s doing this! It’s a little bit old-fashioned, but who cares! It’s still sweet and romantic to make this whole plan in advance. Hahahahaha…” I tried very hard to keep that laughter in my mind. My face must have twisted in a grimace of not pain, but excitement.6 It was really tiring because every single cell inside me seemed to be trembling in ecstasy7.
It was in 2012 that Major League Baseball1 ran an ad showing generations of parents sharing the beloved American pastime with their kids. But it was already too late: in 2012, the average price for ti
摘 要:本文从教师基于教材开展听说活动中的常见问题入手,以北师大版高中《英语》(2019年版)选择性必修一Unit 1 Relationships的单元听说活动设计为例,详细说明理解教材听说活动要从单元层面出发,整体理解听说部分的主题意义,活动设计体现主题意义由理解到表达的渐进过程,并在理解和表达主题意义过程中发展技能、学习策略和积淀语言。本文还提出教师在使用教材听说活动时要遵循整体性、一致性、渐
摘 要:培养学生的批判性思维是初中英语教学中应当关注的重要教学目标之一,而英语视听说课因其特有的课型优势,可以作为培养学生批判性思维的重要阵地。在初中英语视听说课的教学实践中,教师为了有效提升学生语言学习过程的思维含量,应为学生搭建平台,提供更多开发思维能力的机会。本文旨在通过设计一节八年级英语视听说课程,表明教师通过科学选择教学材料、合理设定教学目标并精心设计教学活动,可以有效实现对学生批判性思
遇到喜欢的书,那个字啊,扑面而来,就往你的眼里蹦,直接进入你的大脑,你一下子就理解了;但有的书,字虽然也是汉字,但是却很陌生,怎么也看不懂  北京,幽静整洁的卧龙小区里。  2005年底离开ITl68网站CEO一职的宫玉国,已为他的新项目筹备了几个月。书柜上的项目进度表,明确表示着项目已进入“倒计时”。办公室窗外,纯白的玉兰花盛开着,散发出淡淡的清香。宫玉国身着休闲西装,脸上透着轻松和自然,笑意甚
How many other things are you doing right now while you’re reading this piece? Are you also checking your email, glancing at your Twitter feed, and updating your Facebook page? What five years ago Dav
摘 要:在阅读教学中,教师要引导学生运用有效的阅读策略来理解、内化、迁移和再构文本。本文聚集阅读策略中的联结策略,笔者用两个在线阅读教学案例介绍教师如何引导学生在阅读文本时建立和自我、世界、其他文本的联结,并反思运用策略的原则和意义。  关键词:联结;主题意义;初中英语;阅读教学;在线教学引言  目前,越来越多的英语教师学会了使用录播、直播或视频会议开展线上教学活动,指导学生的英语学习。在逐步克服
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The ideal translator is a person “on whom nothing is lost,” said Henry James. Or maybe it’s a machine. But a machine won’t stop you from swearing at nuns...  Years ago, on a flight from Amsterdam to B
Christine had finally met up with her best friend Shannon at the old English pub where Shannon was working. It was a very joyous reunion between the two former school friends. At last the two 18-year-
当《徒手攀岩》获得了奥斯卡,当攀岩成为2020年东京奥运会比赛项目,当朋友圈里开始频繁出现攀岩馆的打卡照,你才恍然:原来攀岩离我们并不遥远。  如今,攀岩已经脱离了早期边缘化的标签,成为了一种新锐、潮流的生活方式。  走进国内370家岩馆中的任何一个,你都能找到5岁的柔韧小女孩,头发花白的硬汉老爷爷,穿着潮流动感的时尚先锋。  說到纪录片《徒手攀岩》,这部片子去年获得了奥斯卡最佳纪录长片奖,红极一